Laundry helper

edited December 2012 in Just for Fun

This is my little laundry helper. Lol. Do any of you have any pictures of your little helpers?


  • So cute! Makenzie is in the stage where she knocks everything over on purpose so folding and stacking clothes around her is pointless lol All of our clean clothes were just on my bed and I put them away when she went to sleep lol
  • edited December 2012
    @mallory27 Ya, kirsten does that too. Lol. I was just folding them and she would take them and hand them to her daddy. Lol. Then she was climbing in the basket lol. Shes so funny. I love her so much.

    I have so many emotions right now I just feel like crying. but of course I cant. Cuz it draws attention to me that I dont want.
  • O my gosh, idk how to post a video from my phone but as soon as madison hears the dryer open she comes running, she'll close the dryer then the doors then wait under the lightswitch so she can turn it off, its adorable!!

  • Maybe this will work
  • That's cute! I love her tights!!

    @kimberly4411 Omg that's adorable!
  • @trixiesmom8 thank you. Shes so cute. Lol.
    @Kimberly4411 thats funny. She is cute.
  • My son loves helping me with laundry lol. I hand him clothes out of the washer and he put them in the dryer and closes the door when were done. He also cleans out the lent catcher lol.
  • cutie!

    and that was very helpful of her lol @Kimberly4411
  • So cute!! Jack likes to jump and walk thru my pile of clothes.
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