wrong gender determination with ultrasound 4D

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I was 16 weeks when I couldn't resist and I went to pay 75 dollars for an ultrasound 4D in a famous clinic here in San Francisco, they told me its a Boy! Me and my husband celebrated and we even started calling him by his name, 2 days ago I'm 19 weeks now I went for an anatomical ultrasound with my OB and he said Its a girl...what a F.. we were shocked, anyone that happen the same thing.


  • Dident think it could happen hun as there ment to be so accurate, that's really weird, did u ring the place u had it done and say anything? Xx
  • That can happen a lot due to little girls and boys look the same until 16-18 weeks. They look like boys most of the time until right around then. I did the 4d ultrasound as well but waited until 24 weeks to make sure. The doctor already told us girl, that one confirmed it! If you are willing to spend the $75 again, I would go back around 22 weeks and get the gender confirmed. Then you can know for sure....you never know, the doctor could be wrong!
  • yeah i dont belive it till i seen the testicals and penis floating around. i have two boys... hoping for a girl this one.. there is always room for human error.. they shouldve told you that...
  • http://www.baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html
    this site shows boy/girl parts in the womb and how they change
  • wow. hm. well me n my girl want a baby girl. I know that at 13 weeks its possible to determine the sex. n we wanted to do the 4d us but my girl was like lets just wait till I'm like 28 weeks so we can c the baby really developed. I think we r gonna wait. I dont want to pay n have it b possibly wrong. sorry to hear that happened to u
  • Thanks for the comments, yesterday we went back to that place to complaint because they told us 100% positive its a boy, the tech checked again and she started sobbing and apologizing to us for the mistake, I'm fighting my money back, at least I'm glad my baby is healthy but my husband still in shock hopefully he will recovered and will love our girl.
  • It's extremely unlikely to tell at 13 weeks because the genitals look the same for both genders. As hard as it is to wait I wouldn't trust an ultrasound until. You're at least 16 weeks.
  • Glad you got your answer!!! :) congrats!
  • I would try and get my money back. I would be pissed.
  • I agree. You should get your money back especially them 100% guaranteeing a boy and its a girl.
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