too young to potty train?

edited December 2012 in Ages & Stages
My son is 14 almost 15 months old. Eould it be too soon to try and introduce him to pottytraining. I know people say with boys is more difficult but I'm already expecting another in june when he will be 21 months old and my goal would be to have him trained by then.

What sort of steps should i do before actually setting him down on the potty? I've been taking him to the bathroom with me from time to time saying repetitively that i have to go potty. I've been doing this to kind of introduce why we go to the bathroom, but he just wants to brush his teeth or hair lol


  • I started putting my daughter on her potty right after she turned 1 and she uses it almost everytime. She will be 15 months tomorrow and uses the potty regularly but doesn't know how to tell me yet she just goes in there sometimes if she needs to go and I take her with me when I go a few times a day and she uses it most of the time
  • We bought our daughter a potty around 12-13 months, we let her explore it, sit on it when she was in a good mood. Now she's 18 months, and if she's awake she rarely has an accident.
  • My son is terrified of his potty. :/
  • I personally think its too early. I think the earliest should be 18mo IF they are ready, but that's just me.
  • Both of us let her come into the bathroom when we went, and Wed get really excited when we peed. We would make a big deal out of us going potty, high five each other, etc let her see that going potty is fun.
  • we do what @natashalynn said exactly and she gets very excited for us. that way when I actually want to train she will find it more fun. I read all this online from girl that trained her 6 month old and by 9 moths she said that's pretty much all he uses but has accident every once in awhile. I mean I wouldn't do my child as early has her but if it worked for her I'm sure your lo can do it! :)
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