too young to potty train?
My son is 14 almost 15 months old. Eould it be too soon to try and introduce him to pottytraining. I know people say with boys is more difficult but I'm already expecting another in june when he will be 21 months old and my goal would be to have him trained by then.
What sort of steps should i do before actually setting him down on the potty? I've been taking him to the bathroom with me from time to time saying repetitively that i have to go potty. I've been doing this to kind of introduce why we go to the bathroom, but he just wants to brush his teeth or hair lol
What sort of steps should i do before actually setting him down on the potty? I've been taking him to the bathroom with me from time to time saying repetitively that i have to go potty. I've been doing this to kind of introduce why we go to the bathroom, but he just wants to brush his teeth or hair lol