this is happening in my area
There's a school in my area a town over called steubenville big red high school. They are known for their football team being the best in the valley. A few months ago a girl came forward and accused a few boys on the football team of raping her. It took them a week to cover and investigate the rape. The only reason she knew was because she was drugged and pictures were taken and posted on social networking sites. The football players were treated like gold and the poor girl who is only fifteen was treated like a liar and a piece of crap for accusing the boys. This took place at multiple parties in the area including the house of an assistant football coach. Since the rape the media and police have done everything they could to cover up the rape because of the athletics at big red. Well a group of people called anonymus got a hold of the story. They are trting to seek justice for this girl. They hacked big reds website ( ) and found emails from a COACH that prove the rape and photos were premeditated. There are protests taking place this and next Saturday to fight for this girl. I for one am glad! These boys think that playing football for shs gives them a free pass for life! It doesn't work like that. Roseanne Barr is coming to show her support as well! Search Anonymus and #oprollredroll and #knightsec. This needs to be brought to peoples attention and this girl needs justice!
Did this girl not go to the hospital for a rape kit? I don't believe that doctors would lie and risk their careers for high school football player(s). If she was drugged there would be damage. You have to be careful with stuff like this without a rape kit it her word against theirs. Some girls think it fun to do shit like that and change their mind after the fact. It just not always as cut and dry as it seems.
For example my sil has accused at 5 people including my husband, bil, an uncle and a boy with downs. Needless to say that when she cries rape nobody listens. Even a boy she was caught having sex with later it turned to rape. my point isthat it's a lot of people risking there lives and families stability if they were to get caught in this. They would lose their jobs or be charged with obstruction. I think there has to be more than what the general public knows.
@Wilsomom Yes it is very scary! I'm not sure how many states were affected but it happened here in MO. I was appalled when I learned that they did that. Btw, I hope things are getting better with your teen sons!