Plugged duct vs mastitis????

edited December 2012 in Breastfeeding
How can you tell the difference? I've had a plugged duct and I could feel the blockage this time there's no blockage( that I can feel at least) but its sore and feels like its not empty or maybe swollen?


  • I think that @homebirthadvocate would know. I thought that with mastitis its swollen and sore to touch. But I didn't have either and I'm no Dr. So here's a tag and a bump for you. Hope you feel better soon.
  • edited December 2012
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  • @homebirthadvocate @gatorbob well I'm not sure what's going on cause I definitely don't have any of the symptoms you guys described as far as mastitis goes but I've had a plugged duct before and this doesnt feel the same. My right breast is just extremely sore. Mostly on the sides and a little on the bottom. I can't carry my lo on this side cause as soon as anything touches it starts to hurt
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