ugh I'm a little pissy!!

edited January 2013 in Babies Health
My poor baby is sick for New Years. I'm pissy because at day care yesterday we called a parent to pick up their baby with a temp and they didn't pick her up for 2.5 hrs... we have had influenza going around the last 2weeks I'm all 4 classrooms! Now Levi has a temp and he hasn't been at day care since last Thursday so it had to be from her. Ugh, well so awesome since the deductible resets.... Today :) lol


  • Awwwwww hope he feels better soon <3
  • Hope he feels better soon. Not everyone can jet right home in the middle of the day :( There's been times it has taken me hours to pick up my child. Also, we are contagious days before physical symptoms set it, so your LO acquired it far prior to the other having a fever. So before your child getting a fever, his system acquired the illness a couple days ago. Fever is a good thing so be happy he has got a great immune system! :)
  • @captivated his fever went away must have been a weird thing. Most of our parents work within an hr from day care. This specific parent is a teacher, she was off along with the dad. They were in a town with about a half hr Dr. away... When I had called she said. "ok we will finish up and come get her",I figured that meant go check out and come home! Ohh well now she knows the rule since we made it clear.
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