Do other kids do this?

edited January 2013 in Ages & Stages
My son is almost 15mo and has recently started gagging himself. It really creeps me out and I'm wondering if anyone else's kids do this. Sometimes he does it when he's angry, like throwing a tantrum, and seriously he shoves his whole hand in his mouth. Other times he does it "just for fun" it seems, like he'll just shove his hand in his mouth, gag and laugh. Then there are times when he'll gag himself with toys or with his food just randomly. I try not to yell or get upset. Usually I tell him no thank you or stop gagging yourself and I try to do it in as calm a voice as possible but it makes me so nervous when he does it. I'm terrified of him choking and I have no idea why he's doing it. Please someone tell me my kid isn't a freak and other kids do this too. Also, any tips how to make him stop would be appreciated.


  • My son does that randomly but not on purpose. I've seen quite a few of my moms daycare kids do that too over the years! I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure he will grow out of it!
  • Normal...he sees it gets a rise out of you...that's why he keeps doing it.
  • For some weird reason my almost 16 month old does this when she's done with her meal. Not always tho. Almost like punishment to me bc I didn't take her out of her high chair fast enough. Does not do it at school tho.
  • My friends son used to do it. He would actually throw up then. He is now 9 and grew out of it...he was 4 at the time when he started.
  • My son does it sometimes "just for fun" lol
  • Thank you guys. This makes me feel much better that my baby bear isn't a complete weirdo.
  • Oh god my daughter does it too. Sometimes so bad thatshe spits up like a baby!! It's sick lol. But I've heard its normal. I'm just waiting for the day she starts doing it while we're at target or something lol.
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