Feb 2013 mommies

edited January 2013 in Pregnant
Its getting close! How's everyone doing? I'm feeling ok super tired, gained like 25-30 lbs and am messing big. Baby is head down, gets hiccups all the time and is super low, I already dropped. Still don't have a name for her but were working on it lol ans my 15 month old keeps lifting my shirt and kissing my belly!!


  • Where are you ladies?? Anyone still here??
  • Haha! I saw this yesterday, but I was waiting to get on the computer to answer. I'm wondering if we're the only ones left, kenzie0713?? My baby girl is head down too. I'm feeling ready to get her out, but really nervous about it. My son (14 months) also loves to pull up my shirt and pat baby sister. It's so cute!! They are so smart...
  • Im having a boy and my 15 month old daughter isn't happy she trys taking his stuff already and she threw his clothes on the floor when I was trying to fold them to put them away baby kicked her the other day while we were cuddling and she bit me, baby decided to stay sideways but that's ok because I already planned on a c section
  • Oh no, @jewel! She's jealous already? (Kinda cute though....;-) )
  • @ourlittlenugget, yeah ally loves being the center of attention she has an older brother on her dad side and she throws fits if he gets more attention then her lol
  • @ourlittlenugget @jewel we all have little ones around the same age and I think its so cute how they can sense the babies. My daughter tries to take everything that we are buying for the baby LOL. @jewel did you have a c section with your first?? My baby was transverse for a while and finally flipped!! @ourlittlenugget I guess its just the three of us!! I just left the Dr and am already 1.5-2 cm, holy crap!!
  • @kenzie0713 lucky! Congratulations on your progress, and yes ally was an emergency c-section so I decided to just go with a planned c-section :) plus ally was almost 10 days late so its nice knowing when the baby will be here, @kenzie0713 @ourlittlenugget any names in mind? Im between abel and anderson
  • @jewel that's good that everything will be planned out!! I'm having a hell of a time coming up with a name...our possibly Abrielle Grace Jenkins or Celia Grace Jenkins or prob neither bc I'm not in love with either haha. I love Abel!! What's you scheduled date? I'm wondering how fast I'm going to go from here bc as of last week I was closed tight but soft now I'm 1.5-2 and ripe
  • That is funny how we're all due at the same time and have babes about the same age. I love it! :-) I had a c-section the first time, too, and I'm really hoping for a successful VBAC. I can't believe you're already dilating, kenzie0713! That's kind of awesome. I was just reviewing the report on an ultrasound I had 3 weeks ago. I was 31+2 and she was measuring 33+2 at 4 pounds. I'm always the one to tell mamas how inaccurate u/s measurements are, but I was a tiny bit unnerved. Maybe she'll come earlier, though. Gotta get cracking on her room! :-)
  • I'm still here! I was in l & d today with early labor! :( I'm tired of being pregnant but not ready for him to come! So I'm on bed rest until future notice! :( my body is wore out today, not sure if it's side effects from the shot or the contractions!
  • Oh @starlilly! Haven't seen you in a while! :-) I'm sorry you had to go to L&D; yikes. I feel the same way, ready to have the baby out, but not ready for her to be born until she's fully cooked and healthy. NO NICU! Gotta have both my babies home with me. I've noticed what I *think* are braxton hicks lately. Didn't notice them with my first, so that's kind of neat.
  • @kenzie0713 itsplanned for Feb 7th :), keep me updated onyourprogress
  • @Jewel we've had her name picked since we conceived our son, but it's a secret until she's here. :-) I love both Abel and Anderson. Both are terrific options!
  • @starlilly oh no :-( I'm actually in l&d now I was a 1.5 maybe two yesterday now I'm at a solid 2 and contracting 60-70%. They said at this point they won't stop my labor and are rechecking me in an hour. @jewel our dates are very close but I doubt ill make it until my due date. Lets see what happens in an hour. @ourlittlenugget I feel the same way I better get my butt in gear, I got the babies bag packed everything washed etc. Braxton hicks are something I've never experienced, I always end up having early labor, your lucky!!
  • Well keep us updated! Gl hope all goes well! :)
  • @starlilly they sent me home bc my cervix didn't change in an hour. No bed rest which is strange. Told me to continue everyday life work etc...idk. Are you dilated?
  • Wow really? Yeah bout a 2... I wonder why they didn't put you in bed rest. Did they give you anything to stop the contractions?
  • Were your contractions regular?
  • What's your due date again kenzie0713?
  • @starlilly yes they are still regular but they said that being in my 36th week they wouldn't stop labor and I guess bed rest hasn't really proven to do much?? Idk ab that but I'm a hair stylist and they told me to keep working good thing its only part time and I make my own hours!!
    @ourlittlenugget Feb 5th but that's a really rough estimate bc I got prego right after a miscarriage with no period in between so its def an estimate and I've been measuring ahead the whole time. I'm in so much pain still contracting, my Dr is out of town saw the NP this am who I can't stand she's just not very bright and she says I'm the same as last night but she wasn't there and im in a ton of pain. Thank god my Dr comes back Monday.
  • Awww, if it gets bad go back, maybe they didn't put you in bed rest because you're at that point they won't stop it.. I'm only 32 weeks so I still have a ways to go.. They could have gave you some kind of pain meds though..
  • Are you ready to have baby? Try having sex they say it helps to dilate... Walking around, maybe clean house? Idk:(
  • Well they say 37 weeks is full term, so maybe she would be OK. Then again, she could surprise you and stay in another 3 weeks!
  • @kenzie0713 @ourlittlenugget @starlilly
    Updates on pregnancy/babies

    My lo made an early appearance when my water broke it wasn't like a huge gush I woke up wet with alot of pressure the funny thing is a week before I had an ultrasound and found out he was really a she she was siting on her hand so I wasn't prepared for another girl luckily I had Ally's old clothes the messed up part is their dads new gf called and started drama even insulted both girls all in all she is healthy was going to name her ayrabella but decided on Angelina don't know how to put pics on here but have them on Facebook
  • I'm still pregnant! At a 3! Hoping he will come in a week or so! Omg I would die if I found out last minute I was having a gurl, I have nothing for a gurl! What a shocker! Most importantly she's healthy, that's all that matters! Sorry your babies daddy gurl is being a drama queen!
  • @jewel congrats on your little girl!! Thats funny I went with Abriella but my second choice was arabella!! How early was she??
    @starlilly Jang in there girl I was stuck at two then a 3-4 for a week and ended up delivering at 38)+1

    We had Abriella Grace Jenkins on 1/25/13 7 lbs 12oz 20 in. Putting pics on here is a pain, lets be facebook friends ladies my name is McKenzie Faragon.
  • Hey girl i just added you on Facebook Jessica Ike
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