Child humping ??

edited January 2013 in Health
I KNOW it happens, I've seen it before. But Malia is 16 months, is that to early? She isnt vigorous or all into it, she just does it a little bit. She tries to touch her no-no sometimes too, bit I always tell her no of course.


  • I have never noticed if my daughters have done that, but it doesn't sound too early or anything. They all have touched themselves though. Just part of that curiosity stage. The only time I told them no is if there was poop in the diaper. Lol.
  • Yep My daughter does it a little bit mostly to move her hips she also explores a little but unless she is poopy or in a public place I don't tell her know she's just exploring
  • edited January 2013
    Na, it's okay. Josh did it around that age too. Evie is only 13 months so hasn't yet but I doubt it will be very long.
  • Idk know that was normal
  • I didn't know that was normal either. I wouldn't want my daughter doing that I mean if u can get them to stop why not. I mean exploring can happen but no need to do it over and over.
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  • I wouldn't think girls would be much different from boys. Sometimes I move his hand off his dinky bc I think he is going to rip it off, but other than that I don't stop him. Unless he is poopie or powdered.
  • My mother used to go wild at me when Josh did it. She thought he was seeing inappropriate stuff. He wasn't, but that's what she thought. I was so pleased when I went to playgroup n found out other kids his age did it too!
  • My sons doctor once told me not to make them feel shameful for it, she said its completely normal.
  • I swear my son is going to rip his Mr.Peeps off lol. As long as we're not in public I let him do it though. It normal I think and I don't want him to get a complex or anything.
  • @frantastic Lmfao my doctor said that sometimes she wants to ask them if they know it hurts
  • edited January 2013
    Neither of my girls have ever done it , I guess they are always too busy bugging each other to have time to consider humping anything haha. But I have heard a lot of kids do it and is pretty normal in their exploring age.
  • Ok wait Im confused... Are they walking up to different things and humping it, or is it just a humping motion (not necessarily with anything)?
  • Malia jumped.. the table (she climbs on top of coffee table), cover, and me. Mostly looks like she moves her hips, but know she is humping. I don't tell her no in a bad way or anything, just a high pitch, you aren't supposed to be doing that no no.
  • My son is 12 months and has been exploring his penis for awhile now... He will sometimes, when I lay him in his crib, like thrust at the mattress.. I definately looks like humping. Glad to know its not just my baby!
  • My daughter does it too. At first i thought she was just itchy and trying to scratch it. I don't want to embarrass her so i tell her "no no" quietly.
  • Evie only does a humping motion when she is throwing a tantrum, lays down on the floor and bops her hips up and down.
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