HELP, I'm desperate...

edited January 2013 in Babies Health
Ok so my lo started with a fever 12/31, and small sore in the corner of her mouth, took her to dr, diagnosed with upper respiratory infection and the sore from drool... so later that night more sores appeared in her mouth, and has continued to get more sores, shes to the point where nothing u do makes her happy.. shes not eating, drinking. She is in sooo much pain she hits herself in the head, took her to er last night, diagnosed with acute hyperangina rx for tylenol with codeine, and to give mixture of maalox and benedryl every 2 hrs, tylenol every 4.. shes not sleeping (4 hrs in 3 days).. im exhausted and stressed out this sucks and suggestions?? Weve tried to feed her ice cream, yogurt, smoothies everyyhing....


  • Have u tried letting her feed herself a popsicle? Baths sometimes relax them too. Sorry she feels so crummy. :-(
  • Yea with popsicle she puts it in her mouth and spots it out and screams when i put her in the bath she didn't like it either... thank u soo much @doodles :)
  • You may have to revert to pureed foods; Aim for bland, non-acidic foods. Foods could include banana, plain apple sauce, pears, peaches, cottage cheese, white rice or pasta (blended with low sodium/sodium free chicken broth), avocado, poached eggs, etc. Foods that are easier to manipulate in the mouth without rubbing the sores will have better results. Remember acidic drinks will also aggravate the sores, encourage drinking from a straw if at all possible. I hope she finds relief soon.
  • Does she have any red spots or bumps on her palms or bottom of her feet? It could be hand foot & mouth virus.
  • Sorry, I just saw you said she has acute hyperangina.
  • We've tried all, foods pureed and all, she freaks out when u try to let her eat... no red bumps or rashes anywhere... no sores in her throat either im not sure what it is or if i believe the diagnosis.. @mijita @wilsomom thanks ladies
  • I thought hand foot and mouth too. Poor little thing. Maybe revert back to teething strategies. Frozen wash cloth for her to "play" with. Let her play with jello maybe she will eat some?
  • Maybe take her to a different doctor? Get a second opinion in what the bumps are.. I hope you find something to help her fell better
  • I have no advice but hope ur lil one gets well and u get sleep
  • Maybe try some baby oragel to reduce the pain? Have u noticed any sores on her feet or hands?? Hand foot mouth runs rampant in day cares :/ poor baby hope she feels better!
  • herpangina is contagious (caused by a virus so no antibiotic will work) so be sure to wash your hands after contact with saliva or poo. not sure if wiping commonly touched areas with clorox wipes will work bc idk if that virus strain is killed by the wipes. also ask pedi if they can prescribe what's called "magic mouthwash" to help with the pain in the mouth. i'm not sure it can be given to a young one though...
  • edited January 2013
    Thanks ladies!! Dr said not to numb her mouth because she may chew or pick at it while numb and make it worse... her feet and hands both are clear, gonna try and let her play with jello today and see, will probably go back to dr today, she is not in daycare my mom keeps her for us. I really appreciate all the ideas and suggestions, thanks yall are awesome!!! :D

  • edited January 2013
    Dr said to mix maalox and benedryl and give it to her every 2 hrs.. the magic mouthwash is that but also lidocaine.. he said it would coat her mouth, not seeing to big of a difference.. the whole house is being bleached so maybe.. thank u
  • There is a recipe for magic mouthwash on pinterest :) @mam082711

    OP I'm so,sorry your little one and your self are going,through this.! I know it can be frustrating not getting any sleep :( I'd get a second opinion though :) good luck!
  • edited January 2013
    @mommylovessparkle thank u for thinking of us!!! :)

    The recipe for magic mouthwash is equal parts of maalox liquid, liquid benedryl and viscous lidocaine ours is just without lidocaine!!!
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