Question about TTC

So.. is his "thingy" supposed to go INSIDE the hole????

Lol jk obviously :) my real question is when your in your two week wait can you still take medicine or drink alcohol? Or should i act as if I'm pregnant already and stay away from all that?


  • I drank before I found out I was pregnant. Its probably not a great idea but just drink in moderation I suppose
  • They your suspossed to act pregnant if you're trying.. I've never really tried and have drank and my kids are fine.. I'm not saying it's ok to drink, but I wouldn't judge you personally if you had a drink or two.. I'm 32 weeks now and didn't know I was pregnant and was out drinking the week before I found out...
  • I wouldn't know what to tell you cause when i was trying to get pregnant, i just had lots of sex and hope for the best. I never kept track of anything besides my period, so i drank and took medicine and all that stuff until the day before i got my bfp. Im 21wks preggo now and everything is good and healthy.
  • They say act as if u r already pregnant but I've been ttc so long there is NO way I'm gonna be that cautious until I get my bfp. Not that I do anything unhealthy but things like taking ibprophen and what not. It's a personal choice.
  • I might be wrong but I think that if you are drinking before the egg attaches (implantation), then you shouldn't worry.
  • I don't think it's much to worry about I'm sure I had drink before I found out. However of your trying from what I thought u have better chances of your doing everything regular pregnant person would do. Especially taking the pre natals.
  • Thank you everyone :)
  • You're fine to drink. Think of alllll the women that find out they are pregnant at 8, 10, 12 weeks that were drinking and partying. Just fine :)
  • My hubby and I tried for a year, I barely drank that whole time. The day I conceived I totally was tipsy. Anyway, like everyone said you should be fine as long as your not drinking after your BFP. Also as for medicine, opt for Tylenol instead of ibuprofen!
  • Lol maybe us TTC mamas need to drink to get preggo :) a girl at work told me to go and get wasted, call my boss and quit my job, and have sex in the back of a small car.......I laugh but now I'm wondering....
  • @praying_4_twins that sounds like an awesome idea! I think you should do it!!!!!! I'm really really rooting for you, <3 can't wait for your bfp! Af is due on the 11th so we'll know if I'm preggers or not soon. I was just worried because i was just diagnosed with Laryngitis about a week ago and i had a small drink on new years eve.
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