Question about my 1 year olds breathing****UPDATE-VIDEO WORKS NOW, PLEASE WATCH***

edited January 2013 in Health
***Update....well, not really an update but I got the video working now, please watch & tell me what you think!

For the past few weeks or so Ellie has been making a little grunt/sigh when she exhales. She hasn't been like sick or anything too out of the ordinary. It just seems like she's doing it more frequently, like pretty much all of the time during the day but not at night. She is fine when she does it. She could be just sitting & playing or running around. She doesn't seem to be in any distress or anything. At first we just thought it was a weird baby habit she picked up but now I'm starting to wonder. I've noticed that she will inhale, sort of hold her breath for a few seconds, then makes this little sigh when she exhales. Does anyone have any input on this? Please help! She has her 15 month well child check on Feb. 5 but maybe I should call the doc & get her in sooner?

I hope this video works!
I was just trying to record the sound of her breathing, not necessarily tape her so there isn't much to actually see on the video but towards that end you can see her breathing and hear her making the sound the best


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