Hair pulling *small funny update :)

edited February 2013 in Ages & Stages
My 15 month old has started pulling his hair when he's mad. None of my kids have ever done this so it's freaking me out a little! He has adorable baby curls & his daddy was saying the other day he needs a big boy hair cut. :( At first I wanted to wait... I love that fine baby hair..especially the curls! But now I'm thinking it might be a good idea. Any one else's lo's do this? He's always been a quiet, happy, easy going baby & I hate seeing him get all aggressive like this!!


  • Maybe ear infection or is he having pain with something?? My lo started doing that recently then it ended up it was the herpangina starting and she was doing that plus hitting herself in the head and hitting her head on the floor, because she was in so much pain... hope u find a reason, good luck!!
  • @0811 He only does it when he's mad about something, like when I tell him no or he doesn't get his way. He's happy most of the time. Lol I'll keep an eye on that though just in case. :) Is your lo feeling better?
  • She seems to finally be on the road to recovery, the steroids seemed to have helped her quite a bit, thanks for asking :D
    Maybe tell him "ow that hurts baby, not very nice" im not too sure i only have 1 child??? Maybe ignore his behavior, (when he pulls his hair) maybe he does it to get some sort of attention... or maybe just a stage??? Good luck with it!!! :)
  • I'm glad, that sounded so painful! Yikes! I hate it when our babies are in pain! @0811
  • Me too, it has totally broken our hearts. Dr said it was the worst pain anyone would ever encounter.. thank u
  • My son likes to pull on his hair and flick his ears when he is tired but i never figured out why. He has been doing this since he was little though but he never does it enough to hurt himself, just gives him a crusty clown look when his hair is long lol.

    Does your son do it hard enough that he is hurting himself? Maybe as long as he isn't hurting himself its okay. You could try to show.him other ways to show his frustration. I know when I'm having anxiety problems i tend to pull on my hair. Does he see someone else doing this action when frustrated?
  • edited January 2013
    @merandagarcia I think it hurts him, but it's not hard enough to pull any hair out..yet. I don't want it to get to that either. No one else does it here or ever has, that's why I was so surprised. It's kind of like he doesn't know what else to do.
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  • edited January 2013
    That's just his way of having a hissy-fit/tantrum. My cousin's son used to slap himself and throw himself to the floor when he didn't get his way. He eventually stopped when he realized no one was giving in. It's a phase he'll grow out of it.
  • @veevee omg that sounds exactly like my son right now. I just laugh at him because its so ridiculous. Then he stops.
  • @Frantastic that's what we would do when he did used to do it. It was kind of hilarious. He would cry because he hurt himself then get up and run away.
  • edited January 2013
    See when my son does the "throwing" himself to the ground thing, he'll do it in slow motion. It's kinda cute. I worry about him hurting himself when he slaps himself though. @veevee
  • @Frantastic As long as he isn't crying he's fine. They know when they are hurt and how loud to let you know.

    His cries wasn't really cries of hurt, just a little whine.
  • Well hopefully he over this little stage before he really hurts himself. But if it was me I would just get little hair cut too and don't give it attention when he did it because I'm sure that will just encourage him to do it more. But I'm just saying what I would do. Good luck
  • Thanks gals! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Lol I def agree, it's his way of throwing a little tantrum. @veevee @jules @frantastic @thehumancrockpot
  • Just a little update.. I got him to stop pulling his hair now, it took a week or so. But now he does this little thing & it's so stinking cute & funny (but I don't let him know!) ...If he gets mad at me he gives me this little evil eye look & then very, very slowly reaches his hand up to his hair & just barely pulls a teeny bit of his hair. It's like in total slow motion & of course I tell him no, but in my mind I'm laughing it's so funny. :)
  • Lol isn't it funny when they do it in slow motion and watch you for your reaction? My son gets so mad because I laugh at him when he does it.
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