seriously, what the heck

edited January 2013 in Pregnant
Ok let me start by saying I have had this sharp, stabbing pain in my left hip all day. Sometimes I randomly get stabbing pain on either side of my lower back. I called the OB on call and she says I probably pulled a ligament. Then she says my urine culture from last week shows it was contaminated but not bad. Well, I was just treated a few weeks ago for a bladder infection and possible kidney infection, why are they ignoring this? I don't think this pain is a ligament but am not sure what it is. Anyone ever had pain like this while pregnant? Oh I'm almost 15 weeks and no, its definitely not round ligament pain


  • Not sure... If you're still having the pain tomorrow I would just go tothe ER. Tell them you just had one and it feels Like another one. That way they will run the tests to make sure it's not an infection again. They should take it seriously since you're preggo.
  • Sounds like a uti to me my side would hurt
  • @smcox @SalasMommy I went in to get checked out and my ob said my urine was normal but she was sending it for culture. She thinks its all my joints and ligaments being super tight and not aligned and suggested yoga and to start physical therapy. Oh, and she did an ultrasould and I asked if she could see the gender and she said 15 weeks was too early but I swear I saw a boy part or maybe it was the cord..? How obvious would a boy part be this early?
  • I am almost 15 weeks and my doctor said she would check at my appt tomorrow.
  • At 15 weeks they both have what looks like a small penis. We looked at 15 and she said boy, but we went back 2 weeks later and she's all girl. ;-)
  • The sonographer at my ob's office has a 98% accuracy rate at 12 weeks (she always gives the disclaimer, "don't go painting the nursery..." But, I've heard that most aren't quite that good. She told me accurately at 14 weeks.

  • @Ourlittlenugget ok, thanks. That's what I was wondering. I'm guessing it was the cord then cuz it looked pretty big lol

    @Math_Mommy wow that's awesome! I need to go to your doctors office;)
  • I had severe ligament pain with my son. It felt like I was ripping muscles. I did yoga in school and took a lot of baths and showers. Sometimes I couldnt even get out of bed!! Oh and it could be a boy... my son was huge!! Lol... My hubbys jaw dropped to the floor!! :-D
  • Definitely see a chiropractor! Saved my life with my last pregnancy. I had major pelvic issues. But I got an ultrasound yesterday to get accurate dating (can't remember when my exact lmp was) and we all thought I was 17 weeks according to the ultrasound from last week but I'm actually only 15.5 and we could tell it was a boy. The technician didn't want to say 100%, but it looked just like my first sons ultrasounds. I get another ultrasound in 4 weeks to confirm and do the anatomy.
  • To get an accurate gender scan, i would say to wait till you're 20wks. I had my first baby at 17wks and even though she was measuring a couple of days ahead, she was fairly small. So i understand why a gender scan wouldn't be 100% accurate at a very early stage in pregnancy.
    But that's only my opinion. If you've had successful readings early on, then definitely go for the scan as soon as its offered. I know how hard it is to wait so long. Im 21 weeks and the wait for the scan felt like an eternity lol.
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