how did u all?

How did u breastfeeding mom's wean ur lo off the breast?


  • I just stopped giving him boob. He wouldn't take the bottle at first but my pediatrician told me that babies won't starve themselves and he would eat when he was hungry enough. It took maybe 2-3 feedings before he realized and accepted this was were his food was coming from and if the wanted to eat he had to use the bottle.
  • @frantastic thanks my daughter only gets the boon at night now n she's in here going crazy.
  • I cut down on feeding then put milk in a sippy... Had to warm the milk or he won't take it... I rock him while he's drinking and that works every night!
  • I need answers also I'm done bf already. @Frantastic wish I can just not give it to him. I feel so bad I haven't even tryed lately to give cows milk which I should
  • @kittypotato haven't tryed warming it up yet maybe I should lol
  • It was tough at first but you just have to be strong. For me, I had no option because I was going back to work so he HAD to use a bottle. At 10mo I took away bottles cold turkey and made him use a sippy cup. Took him a day but he figured it out and now at 15mo he drinks from a regular cup with a straw. It just takes patience and will power.
  • @Roxy. I didn't think of it at first either. My dr told me. Makes sense tho... Milk comes out of the breast warm so baby must prefer warm huh?? Lol made complete sense to me!!
  • I ended up getting sick and being admitted in the hospital. My LO was forced to go cold turkey on 12/22. I had to pump while in the hospital to wing myself. Soooo sad! I miss nursing!
  • @ynvtish I love nursing but I stopped pumping bc it was sooo time consuming. My supply started decreasing n my lo wasn't getting enough n would stay my boob all.night n I wouldn't get enough sleep so I decided to stop. I made it 13 months tho.
  • @taytay... I agree with you on LO latched on all night. It was getting a tad bit draining. I miss nursing too...but selfishly speaking its nice to have my body back.

    Does your LO still want to put their hand down your shirt like a safty blanket?
  • @ynvtish lol. Funny u asked bc I was just telling my coworkers how she still does that.
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