good thoughts, positive vibes and prayers please! update at bottom!

So some of you may remember me talking about my friend who left her abusive boyfriend...she flew home a month ago, with their kid. But she has to come back to get her she's coming in today..
Due to things he's been saying lately, (that she doesn't even know what abuse or violence is, that he's going to take their kid and run etc) her lawyer gave her the okay to change her flight, so he doesn't know when she's coming, and to leave their daughter with her family out of province. Which would be okay to deal with, but unfortunately, his family has her car keys, so she (we since I'm the only 'family' she has here) have to go get them. When they find out the kid isn't here, they're going to lose it, and theyre all big drug addicts and straight up crazy! And obviously, her ex is violent. (She hasn't told them that she's not staying here, but rather moving back with her family either)
I'm just looking for some good energy and prayers to come this way so it can all go as smoothly as possible.
Thanks in advance guys.


  • Be safe! Take the police
  • Thanks @soon2b3 we've thought about that, but were in a big city, so police might not be able to escort us, since there's always bigger things to do for them. If it's a slow day, they might. But we can call them ahead of time, and tell them when where who so if things go bad, when we call 911 they'll already know what's going on.
  • I agree take the police and I'm sure of they know the history they will come and just even the call will help. Plus if u say that his threatened I thought they had to come. Call ahead of time and ask what they think u should do. even better just so by the station that's nearest to you. Good luck I hope everything goes well and you guys are safe.
  • Does she have a temporary restraining order, the police will probably be more cooperative if they know there's a TRO.
  • @jules thanks hun. @2ndtimearound They don't have to come, and there's no tro because she hasn't pressed charges. (Yet anyway) although she has filed a police report.

    its stupid, I'd like them to come.

    Thanks for reading and replying. It's making me feel less stressed about this all.
  • Pay someone to go if the poluce can't do it
  • Sending positive thoughts for you guys.
  • Can't the lawyer call the police department in that city/town and work something out for her so that she doesn't go by herself? I would think that her lawyer would help with all of that since she is leaving him because he's abusive...
  • We thought about that @char but they say they will only give the keys to her, so she's gotta go. :(

    Thanks @littlefae

    @perly she won't be going alone, I will definitely be going with her. The lawyer only can do so much, since she (the lawyer) is where my friends family is, not where I (and her ex) are, she's in a small town, here is big city. Hopefully the police will help us in some way. But I'm not too hopeful.

    To make matters more annoying, he keeps pestering me to talk to him, and to hear his side of the story. It's seriously almost at the point of harassing me! But I can't tell him to go f*ck himself, at least not till we get her car back, otherwise things could get even harder to cope with.
  • We thought about that @char but they say they will only give the keys to her, so she's gotta go. :(

    Thanks @littlefae

    @perly she won't be going alone, I will definitely be going with her. The lawyer only can do so much, since she (the lawyer) is where my friends family is, not where I (and her ex) are, she's in a small town, here is big city. Hopefully the police will help us in some way. But I'm not too hopeful.

    To make matters more annoying, he keeps pestering me to talk to him, and to hear his side of the story. It's seriously almost at the point of harassing me! But I can't tell him to go f*ck himself, at least not till we get her car back, otherwise things could get even harder to cope with.
  • Oh ok. I see. Everything will be ok. Let us know how it goes. Be very careful!
  • Praying for you! Sounds stressful!
  • Thanks @wilsomom it most definitely is. But I love this girl and her daughter, (she's actually my god daughter) like family.

    @soon2b3 unfortunately not much of an update yet. She's on the flight right now, and only my boyfriend and I, and her family back home know when she's arriving, so looks like well be able to avoid him being at the airport like he originally said he would be. There's no way he knows unless he's doing some really illegal shit. :/

    @perly thanks doll. I'll definitely keep you guys posted.
  • Can she just stay with you for a week while she orders a copy of her car key? Or rent a car and drivevher car out another time? It seems best to not deal with them at all!
  • I wish @math_mommy but she left her daughter with her mom, who only has a week off, plus she has a new job she needs to start soon. It's pretty shitty. We have three days to get the car, and anything else they may of jacked.
  • Yikes! The two of you will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!
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  • *Update*

    Things were pretty crazy. We ended up being able to get two cops to come with us (one guys was like seriously 6 ft 8 lol) and his mom let us into their house and was being all fake nice, until it came out that my friends kid was not with her, then she lost her shit. Started screaming and crying, and yelling at the cops about 'grandparent rights' who didn't say anything to her about that. His mom went to go grab his dad so all four of us were in the front hall, and one of the cops was looking around, and looked into their front hall closet that was open, where lo and behold, there was bong cleaner! So he pointed it out to his partner. We finally got the keys (& her kid car seat) so we leave the house and us and the cops drive to the back alley to get the car. We start checking the tires and making sure it starts (since her ex had threatened to slash the tires) and were brushing snow off the car, when exs mom comes running out of the back yard, and gets up in my friends face, saying 'how dare you humiliate me like that, how could you do that to me, it didn't have to get to this, he's never even hit you!' And my friend lost hee shit and started yelling back. The cops start to get out if the car, and exs mom clearly hadn't seen they were still with us, and she turns around and runs back into her house, just screaming. Not screaming at anyone, just a weird aughhhhhhhh!

    Needless to say, we are super happy the cops came with us. Thanks everyone for your support and prayers!!

    @homebirthadvocate @perly @soon2b3 @math_mommy @everyone !
  • I'm so glad you guys had the police with you and I'm really happy things ended ok. I was kind of silently stalking this thread lol but so happy your friend can make a fresh start.
  • Thanks @frantastic me too! They'll still have to goto court over their daughter, but she doesn't have to see them again until then. She was scared last night, so she stayed at my place. I felt so bad for her.
  • So glad that's over with, yikes!
  • Yay really glad the police escorted you guys! Sounds like it would have been much worse without them!
  • Im glad everything went good and that its finally over with. Everything will fall into place for her.
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