
  • The company was most likely not going to return his things. He (ex boss) was fired for theft they may have been pressing charges and holding his belongings. That really sucks but your hubby shouldn't have gotten involved. Copper is extremely expensive. Sorry!!!! I would be kicking my husbands ass right now.
  • @Janet_2011. What state are you in? There are many things you can do.. but you need to act fast to put everything in order.

    1) have your husband apply for unemployment.

    2) you should go down and apply for welfare (cash aide, food stamps and medical) for your entire family.

    3) if you already have it.... Call your worker and apply for homeless. They will assist you.

    4) call your local red cross and ask for the rental assistance program... They will pay your rent 1 time in your life.

    5) gather things in your home that can be placed on Craigslist and sold immediately. Like.. clohes, unused furniture, rims, tires, appliances.

    6) call local churches for assistant programs.

    This is all mind over matter.. and you have to focuse for your family... Stop crying and get strong. Now that your husband has fallen short its time for you to step in and do all that you can. .
  • @char they aren't pressing charges against his previous boss because that company is too cheap to pay a lawyer to do all of that and he didn't know he was going to get in trouble for taking it out of the container , he didn't even put it in his car or anything . Ugh I did scream at him but he is sad enough so I think that wont help at all.

    @YNVTish I'm in Florida , and thanks for the advice I seriously need to get a hold of my self and start working on that list
  • @Janet_2011 get yourself back together. I don't want to sound harsh, but these things happen. @YNVTish has a good point, seek the help you will need in this time of need and be as supportive as you can with youth husband. He will find something else soon, but he needs the reassurance of his wife. Later on, if he's up to talking let him know everything will be just fine.

    My husband has been fired at the worst times as well, and i know all too well what it feels like to have the stack of unpaid bills and no income. We all get through it some way or another. Things will be just fine hun. Have faith. :)
  • prayers ur way stay strong pray God is good
  • ^ agreed.
    Also girl everyone goes through a dark hole and it sucks but I'm pretty sure its a test. Don't lose faith, just keep praying and thanking God everyday for what you DO have. Believe me I just got out of my dark hole it took 2 years but were out and on our feet. Things WILL change you just can't lose faith.
  • Sorry to hear. How are you doing?
  • Thanks ladies , I have applied for government help and unemployment , but my husband's friend owns a painting company and said that in two weeks or so he is starting a new building so he will have a spot for my husband. It has been tough, since we haven't even been able to do our taxes to be able to atleast rely on that .. Ugh damn w2's . My Bell's palsy got worst because of the stress though :(, hubby can't go applying for jobs since gas is getting really low , so he is calling everywhere.
  • Hope thingslook up soon. Keep organized andmoving forward and you will be ok!
  • Prayers to you and your family. @YNVTish has a good list of things you can do to help out. Everybody goes through a dark phase, some worse than others. I hope you and your family can get through this.
  • It will be ok. I know how you feel. My husband lost his job over year and half ago and ever since then his been applying everywhere possible as paramedic ever week there is something. But along the way I had to pull myself together focus on the family and his been doing a lot of side work. We aren't were we used to be financially but we have home and food and clothe and we're happy together as family. And it gets scary and stressful sometimes but we seem to make it through. God has done some amazing things though through this hard times and I wouldn't change it for anything. For example he got to be home with me for the last 4 months of my pregnancy and my daughter is 1 now and his been able to spend soo much time with get and myself and that's something money can't by. With the resources out there and friends that can offer him work you will make it through until he finds another stable job.
  • u can use ur last check stub to do ur taxes if u meant ur waiting on ur w2s
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