Things people don't tell you about pregnancy & child birth.

Things you didn't know until you got pregnant :)

These things no one told me had to find out on on own. lol

No caffeine

No paps

You have to do kick counts

You have to sleep on a certain side

Motherhood is expensive af! Lol.

Child Birth:
You can go labor without breaking your water.

Epidural stays in your back. (But you don't feel it.)

You have to push through contractions not just "whenever."

There is a method of pushing!

Even with pain meds you still feel contractions they just make you tired.

After you deliver you have to deliver your placenta and it actually sooths your tears while coming out.

That its possible to eat or make your placenta in capsule form - and its (gross but) healthy!



  • How ab the veins you can develop on your vag during pregnancy...I def didn't get one with my first but with this one holy crap its huge...Dr said it goes away after pregnancy but YUCK!!!
  • During pregnancy, you get extra hairy lol.
  • edited January 2013
    @perly omg so true I noticed how bad my belly was in my maternity pics...being Italian doesn't help but its like it just grows in odd places while prego
  • @kenzie0713 lol. I didn't say it because of you lol! I've noticed that on myself and uugghh i hate it. I like being hairless lol, but as my belly grows i have a harder time keeping up.
  • @perly oh I didn't think you did I was just noticing it as I was going thru pics lol my first pregnancy I waxed my tummy this one I said to hell with it haha
  • That my hormones would literally turn me into a crazy person.
  • a few things that I noticed that's worth mentioning...
    -My armpits looked like they were bruised
    -Breastfeeding can be expensive too. You have to pay for milk-storage bags, breast pads and vitamins if you're having supply issues. I bought reusable pads to wash, but my dog kept eating them!
    -I snored throughout my pregnancy and it stopped after I gave birth.
    -I got a couple skintags
    -during my last few weeks, my sleep schedule was way off. I remember being up from 3-6AM scrolling through pinterest WIDE AWAKE
  • @perly what's weird about me is that during pregnancy my hair growth drastically slows down, my eyebrows and leg hair grow sooo slowly, which I can't complain about!
  • Lol I knew those I've I don't know the hormones and the whole nesting would make me clean freak to the next level :)
  • You can have a pap. I had one in first tri-mester both times.
  • As far as sleeping on a certain side I just took a 2.5 hour nap with my 26 pound baby laying on torso. Lol
  • you get paps during pregnancy. I have gotten one with both pregnancies.
    *how freaking hot you can get out of no where
    *sweating like a freaking cow
    *how it can totally distort the shape of your body and never go back (I'm gonna have to have surgery when I'm done having kids cuz my belly stretched so much I have a skin flap that hangs over my undies and pants...bad!!!)
    *even your hoo ha can get stretch marks on it! ugh
  • *the ligament pains! With my second I could barely walk I hurt so bad. Felt like he'd fall,out with every step
  • I also got a pap.
    I slept on both my left & right side.

    Most ppl get more headaches, I usually have atleast 1 headache a week. But during my pregnancy I had so few that I can't remember having more then 5.
    Instead of being moody and arguing I was actually not dramatic during my pregnancy!

    I didn't think after labor started and was a steady 3-5 min after getting drugs they could get slower and be sent home.

    I didn't expect the epidural to freak me out not being able to sleep with my legs being numb!
  • They say its dangerous to get a pap well at least my doctor said that.
  • @mommylovessparkle so you've never had a pap when you were pregnant? The doctor usually does it on your first visit to make sure there are no infections or stds that need to be treated or monitored closely.
  • @perly nope. I had one right before i found out i was pregnant.
  • I heard of that though but maybe it was farther than the first trimester you couldn't get one. Yeah i think that's it.
  • My dr didn't do one either.
  • Oh ok. Just asking. I've had one both times and with different doctors so i thought it was routine or something.
  • @perly i guess it depends on the doctor :) how's pregnancy going for you girl?
  • @mommylovessparkle its going fine now. I had some spotting early on, but it has been a smooth pregnancy so far. Im not working though, so maybe the extra resting is helping out.
  • My pap was in the first tri! I'm sure if you had just had one maybe that's why you didn't need one!
  • I ran across this picture on Pintrest and i immediately thought about this post lol....
  • I didn't even see you commented back :) but that's awesome :) @perly haha that picture is awesome lol i love it lol
  • That as miserable as you are, shortly after having your baby you miss being pregnant & want to do it again. (some sooner than others lol but almost all of us get baby fever again sometime)
  • During pregnacy no one told me that you could developed allergies they went away after I Had my daughter. That your have more nightmares. You are a freakin furnace and hot flashes can strike at anytime. That you have to do kick counts you can't eat certain foods. Labor. No one told me that an epidural could let you sleep though labor. That even if your birth plan doesn't work out it is all worth it for that baby. After birth. I had a c section no one told me that your body is shot I had bad control of my blader the first few weeks. No one told me that you woul have horrible random nerve pains. Even my doctor told me it would only be a few weeks. That even if you do every thing right you can get a infection. Breastfeeding sometimes doesn't work out but be proud your tryed
  • that i would still be hot all the time after and that everything changes you arnt you after you have a child your a new person and i wanna try the placenta encapsulation bc of ppd and that one too that postpardum depression sucks!!
  • That u *pour* sweat afterwards. Both time after my c sections I thought I was going to sweat to death. It was awful!
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