toddler and activities

edited January 2013 in Just for Fun
My almost 14 mon old wont sit down for any activities. I bought him.some.crayons and want him to have quite time ither than just running around all day. All he wants to do is put them in his mouth. When.I show him how to use them and draw he gets frustrated and wants down. I noticed that for many things if I sit him on the lap and wanna sing him songs hes jot interested. Lol... probably my wishful thinking. What activities do you do with your lo?


  • My baby is 14 months to an she wont let me do anythang with her she's to interested in running around an playing lol so I'll try wen she's a lil older
  • My daughter's a mover too. She honestly never sits still. But I found getting her some more creative toys really helped. So some of the things we do...

    Mega blocks, now she builds them, nut when she was younger, I'd build them and shed knock them down lol

    Water play, I fill a few mixing bowls with water, put them in the kitchen, give her slotted spoons, measuring cups, sometimes some uncooked pasta. She loves it!

    We throw a bouncy ball up the stairs from below and watch it fall down. Sounds simple but she enjoys it.

    Interactive books hold her attention for a little bit, things with pop ups, slide out pieces or buttons that make noises. She really like animals too, so we have books with a bunchf animals in it, we started off with her pointing to them and us tellingher what they are. Now we can ask, where's the snake, wheres the panda, where's the giraffe, and she'll point.

    Sometimes we pretend to cook (sometimes I let her actually help) but I let her stand on a chair in the kitchen and mix flour, water, whatever to make a nice big mess.
  • Natashalynn, how old is your lo? I tried legos too, but he either wants to chew themnir throw them on the hardwood to make noise haha... everything but the actual activity. I guess he is still to young l.
  • Well hope old is your lo cause they don't sit down to color or those kinda of activities until closer to 2 just from my observation of my friends kids tough. Before that they still want to explore and don't exactly have the attention span lol
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