
So I've been seeing a Dr about for some tendonitis. This is the third time ive seen him and he said at the first appointment we had he said I need to lose weight. Ok I know I'm no skinny Minny. But I don't think I'm that big. Ive lost 15 lbs in 2 months I just had a baby 8 months ago and I'm barely down to my pre pregnancy weight even though I know I have more to lose more. Ive been working out daily for the past 2 months...sometimes 2 x a day. I was just like whatever and just blew it off. Well today I'm eating one little piece of hard candy and he goes "you don't need to be eating that..let ur husband eat it. The last thing u need is sugar" idk if I'm just more sensitive today about it but it really bothered me today. Ive told him I'm excercising. I can run 2 miles like its nothing now so I consider myself in shape although like I said I know I can stand to lose some more weight.

Yeah I know weight is probably a factor in the pain I'm having but I'm tired of him harping on my weight


  • Should of told him it was sugar free...
    One hard candy isn't going to break your diet, unless your chompping them like a maniac.

    Doctor's piss me off too.
  • That was totally unprofessional. Being your doctor doesn't give him the right to be that rude. I'd put im in his place if i were you.
  • Report his ass to your insurance and they make the formal complaint for u usually
  • Wow! This doctor is an idiot!!!! What if he said that to someone who had a history of an eating disorder?????? Shame on him!
  • I agree that was not professional of him and if he really cares about his patients he should be encouraging and give you advice in achieving you're goal weigh or maybe looking into why your not losing more after all tar hard work. But my thing is maybe since your working out very often right now your body is putting on muscle and then the weight will start falling off. It sounds like you're doing good on cardio which is great for fat loss. Just keep up the great work and don't be too hard on yourself. I think your doing great job!
  • Thanks ladies. It just brothered me a lot
  • What a Dick doctor
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