August 2011 babies.

edited January 2013 in Ages & Stages
What are your toddlers doing? Are they talking? My little one understands me but isn't really talking. Once in a blue moon she'll say mama but hardly ever. She says bye, thank you, ball, nice, and no. Not every day though, just once in a while. :/


  • Tessa was born 8/5/11 (5wks early) and doesn't say a whole lot, but definitely understands more than she says. She'll say thank you in the right context and just started saying welcome if you say thank you. She says hi, ok, kitty, Cleo (the cats name lol), and tree. Oh and ow if she falls lol. She refuses to say mama or dada to me or her dad but idk why. I always thought they said those first lol.
  • My lo was born 8.2.11 just 8 days before my due date and for some reason she doesn't say Mama or Dada yet alot either. She's starting too. Her fav word is "baby" and she says Grandpa as "Bampa" soo cute.

    I attempted potty training her, I got her to go once in her potty but i don't think she's ready. I'm trying to teach her how to say potty so she will understand it a little better.
  • @starrxoxo9 My little one refuses to say momma and Saddam, also. Hopefully she starts soon.
  • @augustbebe Yeah I want to start potty training when I know she can understand me.
  • My son was born 8.29 and talks up a storm. He says between 40-50 words, sings twinkle twinkle little star and part of the alphabet, he even says some sentences. He's into everything! Climbs on everything. I've introduced the potty seat as well, but I don't think he's ready just yet. Understands even more than he can communicate as well. Every child is different. Most aren't talking a whole lot at this age. Mine is around a lot of older children and I always made a point to talk about everything we were doing so he understood words early on.
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  • @lilpeapod913 & @Homebirthadvocate My daughter was born on 08/29, also! I'm going to start a parent and me class at a local pre-school this week. She's an only child and I think getting her around other children might help her to want to talk more. Crossing my fingers!
  • edited January 2013
    Hey... My baby is A July 2011 kid. Can I still be in your guys click!?!?
  • edited January 2013
    Oh wow quite a few 8/29/11 babies on here!! Yes being around other kids is great for their development. I have a 4 year old step daughter so my son is around her and his friends at daycare. He was the "baby" there for a while so they all just love him. I wouldn't worry too much tho!
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