I have decided to get Paragard. Does anyone have any experience with it? Did it hurt getting it? did it take long to adjust to no hormones? I have been on the pill for 12 years except for when I was pregnant.
Is the paragard the hormonal one or not? I had the non hormone one and had nothing but issues. I also believe it implanted in my uterus and caused my heart shaped uterus!
I have it I love it so far except my hubby can't feel it during sex. Its didn't hurt me wen getn put in it was jus a couple cramps. I just had it check a month ago an it was still in perfect place but its been great so far
Yea i so do not want another rite now either I hope it doesn't cause any problems I was scared to death to get it at first but I can't handle being on harmones lol. I read the entire pamphlet like 5 times before getting then discussed it with my dr lol
Omg! Me too! I kept reading the packet and made an appointment last year then canceled my appointment. Now I'm back to wanting it. I am over the hormones. I don't feel like myself.
Lol I had an appt to get it an a appt for sumthn else the same day an I had started my period so I was like o yes I don't have to get it today then they called me back an asked if I was on my period I sed yes they sed o good it will be easier to do an less painful I was like wat ! I have to get it still I thought I was gonna get outa there witout it lol
I had it for almost 5 years and loved it!!!! I had no issues or problems with it untill it just feel out, I was pregnant. Only 4 weeks but it resulted in Mc and then I got a new one put in. Got pregnant again, we now have beautiful 9 month old.