hyphenated/name change

Anyone have theirs or their childs name either changed or hyphenated? (Not hyphenated to start with but changed to a hyphen or changed the last name all together). I want to change Makenzie's last name to mine but its a lot of $$ so I was looking into getting it hyphenated and I can't find much on the internet about it that sounds legit.


  • I don't know much about the subject so here is a bump for you :)
  • My daughter's last name is hyphenated. But it was from birth.
  • That's still considered a change the free is the same you're paying for application/processing fee.
  • Gotcha. Thanks @Jules
  • I had my name hyphenated after getting married cause my husband name is smith and being Christina smith was just begging to have my identity stolen. Just way to common. I'm not sure if there was a charge if there was it was like $20.
  • Ooh but the social security which what makes it legal pretty much is free I had to go that today since we got married not too long ago
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