anyone else's newborn have a HUGE appetite?

edited January 2013 in Ages & Stages
my son is almost 3 weeks and has been drinking 3oz for about a week now. he seems to not even be able to hold off for 3 hours til his next bottle (he's formula fed) - so just for kicks I made him a 4 oz bottle to see how much he would drink and he downed it all! no spit up, great burps, and no more tummy issues than usual. so my question is, is that way too much for him to be eating at this age? did anyone else's lo's eat this much?


  • Maybe he is going through a growth spurt? It does kinda seem like a lot.
  • edited March 2013
  • When my son was little like that he ate 4-5oz at a time. I remember one time I thawed out 7oz of breast milk and fed him 4 thinking I would give him the rest later. He drank the whole thing and wanted more so I gave him the other 3oz. No spit ups and no problems, so idk it sounds normal to me.
  • My son was at 3 oz every 2 hours
  • My 2 year old ate 4oz every hour an a half at 2 weeks old lol
  • That's how my daughter was
  • My daughter is 3 weeks and has been drinking 4 oz since 2 wks old. she eats sometimes every two hours but other times 3/4 hours. last night she ate at 730pm and did wake to eat again until 130 i couldn't believe it!
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