dying your hair while prego

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering if you can dye your hair while pregnant if you use amonia free hair dye...I'm 19 weeks pregnant and have no need to dye my hair but my cousin who is around 20-21 weeks wants to and I didn't know what to tell her I've always thought you couldn't but not for sure


  • It depends sometimes your body can reject the color and turn it an entirely different color
  • It's safe to dye it while you are pregnant. I did it with both of my kids. Just stay in a ventilated room!
  • I was wanted to do a total transformation of my hair color before I knew I was pregnant (go from black to bleach blonde) but decided that prob wouldt be the best idea once I found out I was pregnant...so I just redyed it black anddidnt leave it in too long...something little should be ok
  • My Dr. said it's fine to do whatever to your hair.
  • What about getting your nails done? I heard its bad but some of my friends that do nails said its fine that tons of prego people come in all the time
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