Laminate hardwood floors help

The house we just moved into has the laminate hardwood flooring throughout the whole house. I love it, but I have no experience cleaning it. I'm noticing that in just the 6 days we've lived here it seems like I could sweep 24/7 & never be done! A lot of dust & particles gather in corners & along wall edges too. As far as mopping, I tried a swiffer wet pad & it just made steaks. Any ideas? Thanks!


  • I want to know also I'm having the same problem
  • Doesn't it make you think how dirty carpet must be? I know the swiffer wet jet has cleaner for hardwood floors. Maybe it wouldnt streak if u usethat. I have them too and I just squirt Windex multi surface antibacterial cleaner right on the floor then use a dust mop to wipe it.
  • ^^ yes @benjaminsmomma I was thinking the same thing about carpet! I think I'll try the windex too.
  • I use the swiffer for hard wood floors and it works good on mine. I sweep about 3 times a day, its always dusty :-( I heard water was bad because it messes it up so im constantly wiping up spills from my lo. I love having hard wood floors because I don't have to worry about stains but its a job to keep it looking nice.
  • I had the same problem with my laminate! I got one of those shark steam vacs and it was wonderful as long as I used filtered water in it.
  • Does the steam vac also just vacuum dry without steam? I'm wondering if vacuuming would be better than sweeping. @ashley_smashley

    @emy does the swiffer hard floor work even though it's laminate? Not real wood?
  • I vacuum my laminate hardwood. I hate sweeping. Also, the steam mop does work good on it
  • The one we have just mops but I believe they sell one that does both now. Also I used my broom to get dust away from baseboards and corners then just vacuumed
  • We use a steamer made by oreck, its amazing
  • I thought steamers were bad for laminate flooring? That's what they told us at Lowe's when we got ours. I just use the swiffer wet jet and it works great. Ours is very new though, so idk how it will be a few years from now.
  • It really depends on what brand of laminate wood floors you have. Not all laminate wood floors are made the same way and cleaning them is not a "one size fits all" kinda job. Is there anyway to find out what you have?
  • @mrs4c I'll have to ask our landlord & see if he knows. This is getting a little confusing! Lol :/
  • Don't buy the swifer laminate floor cleaner, that streaks horribly too!
  • Murphy's oil soap. Cheap smells good works.
  • Dyson vacuum is awesome for both carpet and laminate flooring. To clean I use the swiffer or SHARK steamer.
  • If i were you, i'd just ask the landlord. Its his/her floor anyway, so Im pretty sure they'll point you in the right direction.
  • It really is important to ask. Each company makeTTheir laminate floors from layers of different materials and apoxies. This causes different chemical reactions to happen depending on what you use to clean the floor with. I have to stress this with any of my clients that go with a laminate.
  • edited January 2013
    You need a push fiber brush broom.. it makes sweeping fast and easy. Go to home depot and they have a started kit for $19 that BONA makes... Looks like this cleaning kit#i=0

    This will help you sweep and clean your.floors. I sweep and mop daily and it lasted me for 3 months. For a deep clean I also use soft and glow.

    My floors are real bamboo hardwood floors ... I think on laminated you maybe able to use more of a variety of cleaners. I know hardwood floors you're not suppose to do a wet mop.

    Your house sounds beautiful.
  • We have laminate and its a constant battle with the dust bunnies. I vacuum first, then swifter dry sweep, then shark steam mop to clean for a deep clean. Day to day I just dry swifter. Also if you have pets, I recommend shaving them. We used to shave our dog before he passed and we still shave the cat. It helps so much in the summer time.
  • As long as you use a steamer with heat control its perfectly safe and makes the floors shine like crazy!!
  • edited February 2013
    Does anyone use a hoover floor mate?
  • My dad had one for his wood floors and loved it and it worked well. I want one for my tile I have a shark steam vac currently.
  • Put your kids in thick wooly socks and have them "skate" around the room? \:D/
  • @mathair Good idea! Lol

    I went ahead with the Hoover Floormate. It works great & the floors are real clean, but still left streaks. Not sure if it's the cleaning solution I used or what.. I used the solution that came with it.
  • edited April 2013
    Omg, that floormate got on my last nerve with the streaks & I took it back. I just got a steam mop today, AMAZING!! I should've just started with it. I was just wanting something to vacuum too, but that didn't work out.
  • Yep love my steam mop!
  • The steam mop is amazing and I'm not sur what kind u have but they kill carzy amount of germs too bc of the high heat. U can use it on tile I'm sure u know that but that's something u will get good use of for long time!
  • I had woodfloors before to keep them shiny use water and vinager
  • @jules I just bought a cheap one to try it out. That's awesome about the germs, I didn't think about that! :)
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