I don't know what's going on...

edited January 2013 in Sleep
My lo used to eat and sleep just fine but within the last 2 weeks she's been all sorts of messed up. She'll cry/whine while she nurses half the time and in the middle of the night she'll wake up crying and won't stop even when I put her back on the breast. Idk what is wrong but it's driving me nuts. Anyone have any idea? :-(


  • Oh and she's almost 7 months old
  • Maybe she's teething ? Is the only thing that pops in my head right now, but I'm not really sure, might be something else . I hope you can get more answers
  • Yeah... I would agree with Janet... teething could defiantly be a cause for that. I hope she feels better.
  • Teething or maybe just a growth spurt? Hopefully she's back to herself soon!
  • I would say teething too. you could try hylands natural teething gel. try that before nursing and see if it helps calm her down.
    hopefully it passes quickly!
  • It sounds like she's in pain definitely. Try an amber teething necklace, teething tabs or some motrin/tylenol. If my boy ever wakes crying I give him medicine because he never does that, so I know something is majorly wrong if he does.
  • Maybe an ear infection or teething
  • I agree with the ladies, teething or growth spurt. Good luck
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