I'm afraid....

edited January 2013 in Postpartum Health
I'm afraid my vagvaginasl never be the same! I made the mistake of taking a look and a feel down there and it certainly doesn't feel right.
as some of you know I tore very oddly and had to be sewn up three different times.
ladies..I'm telling you... I am frightened it won't be the same. and im afraid for what that means when it comes time to have sex again.
It hurt SO BAD the first couple of months (sex wise) after having my first son, and I am scared to death to have sex again after this cause this recovery has been worse than the first time.
boo to jacked up vaginas.


  • Put a big mirror on the floor and a clean towel and sit down with your legs open and check... Thats what i would do lol. Im due in May and im so scared of the tearing.
  • damn phone. *vagina will... not whatever the hell it spelled out for me.
  • Well you need time to heal but if you use mirror to clean or whatever I'm sure that will help. Other then that do your exsercise to strengthen the muscles again. I had sex week after having my daughter and it sure wasn't the funnest ever but it gets better but listen to your body that way you don't make it worst before it's really healed.
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