
I ABSOLUTELY hate instigators!!!
I don't understand why people instigate. Its so stupid and childish. But i guess it is like they say, there's always that one bad apple in the bunch...
(end of rant lol)

What is that one thing people do that you hate???


  • Ask for advice and do the exact opposite of what you suggest. Ugh!!
  • @mijita I bet you get that a lot!

    I hate it when people whine.
  • @mijita ohhh, yeah. That pushes my buttons too.
    @wilsomom aahhh man lol. I whine to my husband lol. Mostly when im pregnant though haha. I've missed you!!! How did the move go?
  • edited January 2013
    YES, @Wilsomom! It comes with the territory in the field of nutrition, but when you repeatedly ask for advice and do the opposite and fail to see the results you want -- THAT should be your clue that maybe what I'm suggesting might hold substance.

    Ok, stepping off my soapbox. :)
  • @mijita you are completely right! Working at a gym did it for me. I would see all these people come in and start shedding off the weight by just eating right and exercising, and i always thought that it was too good to be true... but its really not. Truth is that in order to have successful weight loss, the person needs to put in effort and dedication into losing the weight and keeping it off.
  • Yes, Perly! We as a society don't realize the work we put into becoming overweight. It doesn't happen overnight, but in fact is a long process. We deny our health status until we think it happened very quickly. Slow went consistent weight loss is the best way to regain control. We want a fast fix. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way. Tomorrow will most likely come anyways, so might as well get a head start on contributing to a better and healthy you.
  • Ignorance and arrogance plain and simple. It drives me crazy.
  • Complain about there life to u. N then when u tell them something they blow u off like who is asking u! Ugh!!
  • I also dislike when people who go out in public sick. Stay home! If you have to go out then please practice common courtesy and cover your coughs and sneezes.

    Can you tell I'm having a bad day?
  • @mylove2 yes, ignorance and arrogance can make a person very ugly.
    @cant_wait93 yeah, that sucks!
    @mijita i hate people that don't have common courtesy. I don't know how some people can walk around this earth without being aware of the people around them. For example, people that smoke in a public area. Common courtesy would be walking away from the crowd, but some people don't have the brains to think that not everyone around them smokes. No offence to people that smoke, although i hate smoking i respect people that do smoke... its just those few couple of smokers that do not think about the people around him/her.
    This one time, i almost punched this couple that was sitting on a bench outside the mall. They had a baby in a car seat and they were literally smoking in the baby's face. They were sitting on the bench, leaning towards the baby and smoking. That poor baby inhaled all that nasty smoke. I was so pissed!
  • Exactly!
  • I do my fair share of whining too lol :) The move went well, still have some tidying up to do at the old place before turning in the keys. Thanks for asking! :)
  • @wilsomom im so glad everything well. I rarely saw you on here this past week and a half or so, so i knew you were probably still busy.
  • Yeah, been unpacking like crazy. We love it though, it's such a nice place compared to where we were.
  • People that think they know it all!
  • I don't mind so much like adults just letting out their feelings/stress of life but it drives me crazy when there are kids that whine that due it just because they know it will get them what they want. And therefore take advantage of the parents and then they are all proud because they got what they wanted...@wilsomom soo I'm sure that's not what you mean but it's similar to yours.

    I also hate people that manipulate everyone around them to get their way. The kinda of people that don't stop and think about others and they are happy as long as the outcome is what they want. But if it's not they come back and try blame it on you even if you had absolutely nothing to do with it. In other words never take responsibility for things unless it makes them look good.

    Lol @mijita I'm on good one here too tonight. @perly thank you for this feels good to kinda of let things out since these are kinda personal in my life. Nice to just let it out :) I feel better now!
  • @jules im glad!! Sometimes we just need let lose lol.
  • I hate it when u have that one friend that only text or call or come around when she's fighting with her man.

    I hate it when people only come around when then need something.
  • Very true. We just have a lot other stuff not with our relationship or anything going on so I'm the rock right now for my hubby soo don't get chance to let things out much.
  • @roxy i have some of those "friends"
    @jules im always here to listen :)
  • @Juliansmomny Know it alls is my biggest pet peeve too!
  • @Roxy lol I hate that. or when they're single they want to hang out. ugh.....
    @Juliansmommy I work with a guy like that so annoying! I Feel like deep throat punching him. no can do:( :) my imagination can.
    @Migita I'm a little guilty of it.Just in certain situations.
    @Perly when people give advise but their in the same situation and will do the opposite of what they tell you to do. or when you don't ask for advise, you tell them what your going to or just tell them something and they go on and on and on. to top it off not even good advise!
  • @firsttimemom- lmao I work with a few know it alls and they drive me nuts!
  • @jules I agree about kids whining, I hate hearing kids whine at grocery store check outs lol. We have a motto here "I'm a Wills & Wills aren't whiners!" :)
  • I hate liars and people who STILL lie when you show them that you have black and white proof.

    I hate know it alls .

    I hate when people TRY to bullshit me. (It don't ever work tho and I always call them out lol, then they back up haha.)

  • @perly that's sweet thank you.
    @wilsomom oh my goodness I know what your talking about. I always just say I'm not listening until u can talk normally without the whining then I'll be happy to help if I can.
  • I hate liars.

    I hate people that feel like they are above everyone else.

    I can't think of what else i hate right now lol.
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