Behind on shots

edited January 2013 in Babies Health
When I took my son in for his 1yr check up in oct they didn't give him his shots because some bs about him not being 1 yet. It was a week before his b-day but they were super stingy about it idk why. I was supposed to bring him back in nov but with the holidays I just never got a chance to. So now here it is the end of jan, he's 15mo and still hasn't had 12mo shots. He's supposed to start day care next month and he has to be up to date on his shots. I guess my question is has anyone else gotten behind on vaccines before and if so how is it getting lo caught up? I want to get it done, I just don't want to have him get like a million all at once ya know. Plus I think he's getting a cold or something because he's been coughing and sneezing with a runny nose so would it even be a good idea to get his shots caught up now? I really need him to start day care and I don't want to mess things up.


  • Im with daughter was sick at her 15 mnth appt and i wouldnt let them do it then...well here we are, coming up on 18 mnths and i still havent gotten her back in. I called my pedi yesterday and you have to be careful, because sone cannit be given to eachother within 30 days of eachother. So i am just going to take her next week and postpone her 18 mnth shots by a few weeks
  • You can always get a drs. Note stating the circumstances.
  • edited January 2013
    Well you don't even HAVE to get shots to go to daycare/ just get the dr note or exemption and it's fine. Also if you are set in vaccinating, I would suggest not doing all those at once...ESPECIALLY if he is sick...just space them out...
  • Well take your lo in as soon as possible. Get the shots most day cares are very picky and the doc note wouldn't do anything because it's for everyone safety first that's just how it works. Can't really get around it. At least not around here.
  • Yes you can get 'around''s called an exemption.
  • Yep, an exemotion. Just say you need the exemption paperwork and they have to give it to you. Shots are not required by law, as they cannot force you.
  • I am VERY pro vaccine, so I want to get my son vaccinated. I was just wondering about any issues if you get off schedule. Thank you for the info. I made his appointment for tomorrow.
  • I have Xavier shots all screwed up the shots just have to be more then 1 month apart I would schedule for his 15 months then wait a few weeks and schedule his 18 months
  • Every single time i set an appointment to get my daughter her shots she spikes a fever that morning. Its like she knows lol. She's really behind I'm pretty sure by 6 shots. But its going good i need to set an appointment soon for her next shots.
  • I think its best to get the shots the daycare require as @Jules said. I would be very mad if my daughter god forbid caught something from daycare because another child wasn't vaccinated.
  • Why would your vaccinated child be at risk then @mommylovessparkle? Just curious.
  • edited January 2013
    The MMR and the varicella are given together at their 12 month well baby check. The thing is the MMR must be given no sooner than 4 days before their 1st birthday. If you get the MMR by itself then the varicella must be given no sooner than 28 days later. It requires this gap. This is the issue you most likely faced.
  • Thank you @Mijita , I was so irritated and confused about why they wouldn't do it.
  • Funny how they don't explain these things. It's a good thing they didn't give them, because then your LO would have to get the series again to be ”deemed” effective. I think you would have been even more irritated. :)
  • edited January 2013
    Lol @Mijita yes I would have been upset. So is it an issue if they get off track? I would feel so bad if he got something that could have been prevented. Do you know if he's getting a cold will they still let him get shots tomorrow? I could wait till next Friday but he is supposed to start day care on February 6th and I don't want to post pone him starting.
  • They'll just put him on a catch-up schedule. Personally if it was my child, because she reacts negatively to vaccinations, I'd wait until she was better. I prefer to wait than to put that much stress on her body, but that is me. Just judge how your LO did previously when vaccinated. His physician may opt to postpone again. He's not that far behind and most daycares will allow participation with exemptions and while on a catch-up schedule. Just ask them to document it for their verification. You can also call them and see what their policy is with regards to a catch-up schedule.
  • Thank you @Mijita and to everyone else with useful information. I was worried about being behind.
  • Oh geez here comes the anti vaccination team. *rolls eyes*
  • Heads up now that he's a little behind, u might always be a little behind. My son is 1 month behind. When I asked if I could schedule his next appt early, they said no because some insurance companies require a certain amount of time in between their routine milestone appointments. I'm not concerned tho. I just do my best to schedule as early as possible so he doesn't get any further behind.
  • Just ignore it @ExcitedForOctober I really do appreciate all of you who helped me. I don't want this thread to turn nasty.
  • I will out of respect for your post and request. I just don't understand why you made a simple question on vaccinating your child, so clearly you are pro vaccinating, and they have to come on and start questioning people.
  • Lol i feel you @excitedforOctober

    @captivated My daughter wouldn't be at risk because i don't put her in daycare. I'm guessing your kid(s) are not vaccinated? What if the kids that are in daycare that didn't get their vaccinations give another unvaccinated child something? Its very possible. Wouldn't you be mad if that was your kid?
  • We just got back from his appointment and he is all caught up. I have him some Tylenol and he's running around the house like the crazy little boy he is. Thanks for all the help ladies.
  • Glad you got everything worked out.
  • edited January 2013
    Glad it work out for you.
  • I think the point the other ladies were thinking was that if some choose not to vaccinate entirely, there shouldn't be a problem if your vax schedule gets a little behind, that's all! As mentioned, your ped will get you caught up. No worries :-)
  • My daughter is behind on her shots her next shots are for her 6 month vaccinations and she'll be 7 months her next appointment. We're new parents so we had no idea when she was sapposed to start and her first shots ended up a little late..
  • I agree, call and explain what happened to your pedi. Also some day cares may give you a grace period to catch up on vaccines if you provide the care information from your pedi, I would schedule the follow up vaccines during Lo's next appointment. I have to schedule the next appointment that way with my kids and myself or I'll completely forget.
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