I needs me some help!!

edited January 2013 in Babies Health
My son adrian has been throwing up since the morning n it quite a lot! N he doesn't cough or anything its bleeh! U know so I was wondering if its a stomach flu. But he has no fever or and upset stomach or is it that he is starting to reject the milk. (Nideo).
I need help im getting tired of cleaning up puke! Pls help!


  • I'd do unflavored pedilite for a while let his belly rest
  • Sounds like it's an upset tummy he just needs to rest and watch what he eats today all it can clean out little
  • @babyinblack682 @jules ok thank you! Do I just give him
    That n no food or also food?
    And if yes food what kind?
  • With an upset stomach I woud try a brat diet which is bananas, rice, apples or applesauce and toast and increase fluids. This is usually recommend for toddlers with an upset stomach by doctors. Hope you find some relief for your lo.
  • @jessibear is right apples anything is great to get things out. I usually give Scarlett little bit off Apple Juice with water just to keep her regular cause she eats everything so it's good way to avoid tummy aches too... Plus it's true about the apple day keep the doc away. They have a lot good vitamins. Hope that helps little. But if you're lo is ever constipated you for give them prunes but be ready to do lots poo poo,diapers.
  • sounds like a up set tummy like wat ^^^^ they said
  • Offer tablesppon of liquids every 20 minutes, as long as he keeps it down. Continue the 20 minute intervals for 2 hours. If he keeps that down, increase the amount.
  • @Jessibear

    Yall guys were right! But we toke him for his check up and the doctor said there is a virus going around. Soo keep aware girls.
  • Yes there is, my son had the stomach flu about a week ago than I got it and it was no fun! :( hope your little one feels better very soon!
  • Oh poor thing. Hope he feels better soon. I knew about the virus so I've been little germ crazy over here lol
  • awww boy the lil one gets better be care full u dnt get it
  • @Jessibear
    Yea I know I hate things like that! Its like I goes right for the kids!
    Thank you girls I know I can always count on my preglies♡♥
  • awwwwwww that's y were here : )
  • @roxy ♡ thank u ♥
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