Empty toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer sheets?

I just found a bunch of them in a drawer in my son's room...any idea what they're for? They don't smell like anything or seem used. Some of them are covered with electrical tape. I also found a homemade pipe, but again not used at all. Wth is he up to?


  • To blow pot smoke through. It hides the smell.
  • And makes smoke not appear in one big puff, but dispenses it, and the smell. Works especially well with febreeze ones. They don't end up looking used, it doesn't discolour them or anything.
  • @natashalynn omg are you serious? So you blow out through it after inhaling? Does it cover up the smell enough to smoke inside? Can it be used for cigarette smoke too? Sorry for all the questions!
  • I swear I'm so naive. :(
  • No problem, I was once quite into pot.

    So you take a hit (bong, pipe, cigarette, joint) you exhale into the tube. The dryer sheets help absorb the smell. And you don't get one big puff of smoke. The only reason I ever had to use them was yes, to smoke inside. You can still smell some pot through them, but you often need to be quite familiar with the smell to pick it up. It wouldn't work very well for cigarette, since the smell is so much stronger, and a lot less natural.

    Like I said, I've been around a time or two. Any questions, feel free to send them my way.
  • Its okay, it would be nice to not have to know this info. :( I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
  • @natashalynn I appreciate the help. I'm about to go insane with these boys! If they're smoking pot in our house we could be at risk for getting kicked out..the entire family, not just them. :(
  • I know you're trying to not make them hate you, but if they're putting you all at risk of being home less, have you given anymore thought about taking their door off the room? No way to hide it then...
  • I'm only 20 and had no idea what that was for .. i thought this was a post showing us something cool to make from pinterest lol
  • Yes I've used that when i was younger to hide the smell of whatever i was smoking so my mom didn't will smell it! They are deff smoking something .
  • Yea, i've used it before, it is exactly like they said
  • @natashalynn I took their door off at the other place, but we just moved here a week ago and can't really do that here.
  • I would take everything out of their room/s just leave a bed, a desk and their clothes. You are to nice I would bring down h*ll if my children disrespected me like that especially at the expense of the little ones.
  • I have done that in the past & looks like I will have to do it again. @máthair
  • It sucks because we just moved to a new place & new school district & I hoped they would try to make a new start. That's what my 17 year old said to the superintendant, I guess he was just lying.
  • They may still be trying to make a fresh start, but that doesn't mean all of there faults or bad decisions are just going to disappear, I took them time to get them, it will take time to lose them too. They have to see that things are different at the new place.
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