I am forever cumbia dancing I listen to cumbia everyday. I wonder if its bad for baby cause it involves tons of hip movement...lol my sister hates it cause shes so worried bout baby inside. Even before I was prego I did it to exercise n its good for love handles. And butt building n leg muscles (:
Light exercises are okayy while you're pregnant and dancing is great also... just don't over do anything in the first trimester... and if you're pregnant in the summer and know how to swim you should do that... its great exercise for pregnant women
Its very good to belly dance or hulla dance. Our anything like it. They originated from child birthing! It loosens, and relaxes your muscles. And it moves the baby into the propper position down the birth canal. Great for releaving back pressure.
Just have to live with them till you have your baby THEN you can get rid of them.