how much milk...

edited January 2013 in Food
Does ur 16 month old drink at night BC Nyla drinks from 10oz to 15 sometimes.


  • I bf my 15 month old threw out the night. he sleeps with us still LOL
  • @Roxy Nyla still sleeps with us also :)
  • Madison doesn't drink any milk :/ I wish she would, then I would feel better about it. But after dinner she doesn't need to drink until breakfast
  • Zori drinks 8oz right before bed, but I'm sure if the bottle was bigger he would drink more lol
  • He drinks a sippy straw cup. The taller kind. I'm not sure how many ounces that is! Usually one whole cup or half of it.
  • @kimberly4411 really, she goes thru the whole night til morning with no milk??? And she doesnt cry at night?? I guess thats good :)

    @mommylovessparkle thats a good amount :)

    @excitedforoctober lmao, dang zori can drink. nyla still drink four to 5 oz per feeding. She doesnt drink alot.. So, after he drinks the 8oz no more milk during the night??? Nyla normally have 4Oz before bed then another 5 around 2am & another bottle around 6.

    @captivated thats good that ur son uses a sippy cup. Lol,I guess he was never on the bottle BC u bf. But do u bf during the night?
  • My baby has a half formula half whole milk bottle with cereal in it. she takes anywhere from 8-10 ounces at bedtime thats the only time she wants a bottle now then she's good till about 9-10 the next morning
  • He only took bottles in daycare. That was a huge task though. He's 18mo now. I stopped breastfeeding months ago because of some personal issues, but I have let him breastfeed a couple times in the past couple of days. Surprised there is still milk. I breastfed at night though before we stopped.
  • Savanah drinks milk with breakfast and a cup with dinner sometimes but once i bathe her and brush her teeth it's nothing but water. She sleeps through the night tho
  • Julian drinks 7-8oz before bedtime.:)
  • Depending on how much dinner he ate, Ollie will drink between 5 and 8 oz.
  • My son drinks 6-9Oz before nap time then the same before bed time and he wakes up still at night around 330-5 am and he gets a 7oz bottle. He sometimes wants a bottle in the middle of the day but I think its more for comfurt but I don't give it to him
  • Nope he won't wake up at night anymore, thank God! It took long enough for him to sleep through the night lol now to get hun used to sleeping in his crib again...I have my work cut out with that one :(
  • @mrz_Jackson @juliansmommy @ashley_smashley Ooo I see, that really good. Nyla cant drink that much at one time.

    @chelcie89 aww, thats awesome. Nyla is giving me a hard time with brushing her teeth now. At first she liked it & now she just like toothpaste lmao.

    @angie87 oh okay, so does he drink milk from a sippy cup or something during the day???

    @excitedforoctober thats really good that he sleeps thru the night without wanting a bottle. Im always afraid nyla gets hungry & I sometime give her a bottle even tho she didnt ask for one but she finishes it all the time. Is his crib near ur bed??

    @captivated im surprised he still want bm after having whole milk. Nyla thinks bm is nasty now that she drinks regular milk lol. I pumped for 11 months.
  • edited January 2013
    He sleeps through the night so the 7-8oz fills him up for the night:) which is awesome for us because we wake up so early during the week.
  • No he refuses to drink milk out of a sippy cup but drinks water out of it or anything else we put in it. The only sippy that worked for us was the nuk one but he just played with it a lot and chewed on it also the nipple would sink in a lot
  • @juliansmommy u & Nancy are very lucky lol ;)
  • Yeah Savanah likes to suck the tooth paste off then gets mad if i try to actually brush them or when i take it away lol
  • edited January 2013
    @nylasmommy & @excitedforoctober- Nancy got luckier Zori goes to bed @ Julian sometimes goes to bed late.
  • @chelcie89 same here girl :)

    @juliansmommy dang Nancy is lucky 7:30. Nyla b sleeping around 12 sometime. I dont have a schedule for her n since Nigel works he gets mad lol. But tonight I gave her a bath at 9 & by 10 she was knocked out :)
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