Horrible stench from my kitchen drain...

What could it be? It only happens after running a lot of water & it smells like crap! Even stronger in the cabinet under the sink. We have city water & a septic tank. Any ideas what it might be or how to get rid of it?


  • I have no idea but put orange peels in the garbage disposal smells really good!
  • @jules That's the thing, we don't have a disposal here so it makes no sense!
  • Maybe the septic tank levels are high? I have never had one so good luck!
  • Ya make sure the septic tank has been emptied lately that sounds like its full, watch your toilets and bath tub drain!
  • You can try flushing a packet of active dry yeast or ridex to get bacteria levels in the tank
  • @babyinblack682 I'll have to ask the landlord about that then...I've never had to deal with a septic tank before myself so I don't know much about it. Thanks!
  • If you smell it I wouldn't waste any time asking the landlord
  • I'd ask first lol emptying those suckers isn't the cheapest, and your landlord should pay for it
  • Flat soda. Down the drain! Works wonders.
  • ...unless its from septic tank. Didn't see that one.
  • Baha @captivated that made me chuckle for some reason
  • Call about septic, those things suck.
  • I got a hold of our landlord & he said it hadn't been emptied in a while & he's gonna have it done! Thanks everyone! I'm glad I asked because I didn't know it could be that!
  • Oh I didn't think about the no disposal. But I'm glad they are going to clean it out I'm sure that will be great help!
  • We flush a packet of ridex once a month
  • @sands3 yeah, I'll def have to start doing that, especially with a large family. We do lots of laundry, dishes & showers.
  • Wait...does water from those go through the septic system or just from the toilets?
  • I don't know
  • I know in my home all of my water drains to the septic
  • Idk what I have but my kitchen sink stinks too....but I don't have a garbage disposal. I took all the pipes out and cleaned them they had mold n black stuff caked inside them
  • All of our water goes to the septic tank, them the excess supposedly "clean" water sprays out of some sprinklers. My kids are never playing in that shit. (Literally) :)
  • Right this is gross but I'll tell you how it works. Ok first everything goes in your septic tank. Then all solids kind of form a "mattress" on the top, the liquid matter gets released after a layer of sand filters it into whats called a leech bed and is dispersed into the ground( it's clean). Problems arises when the solid material pretty much takes up the entire tank, o and don't watch them empty its disgusting and it smells hope that helps! Make sure you use septic safe tp like Scott to
  • @babyinblack682 Oh wow, I didn't know all that. Thanks. This reminds me of Christmas Vacation when he empties his rv tank into the street drain...."sh*tter's full!" Lololol
  • Right lol I love that movie!
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