I don't know where they are supposed to be at but as you get further along I know they rise. But that's good question how did u find out? Have u taken pregnancy test?
I had some blood work done to check for other stuff and when i was going thru my results i came across the hcg resluts...when i seen the result i took a test and it was negative so im just confused...andnow that i think about it my af is a week late
USUALLY obs will say negative if its under 25. Because of chemical pregnancies. HOWEVER if its over 5 you are considered pregnant. Hcg levels double every 24 to 48 hrs... I got a positive on an answer test with an hcg level of 40. I reccommend testing again!! Good luck!
@kittypotato is right of you are they will get higher therefore of you do another at home test it should be positive I'm not sure when was last time you tested but if your 5 days late already it should come out by now...