My period isn't due until the 17th. According to the calender I ovulated around the 3rd. (I don't chart or temp or anything) I started feeling crampy yesterday & period type cramps. What could that be?
Now my whole uterus feels tender, like a constant dull ache ... I've never felt this before it's weird. My boobs are getting sore too. I'm guessing early pms.
Ok, so I found out I'm pg, which explains the cramps....but I've never had them like this before! It's like a constant ache & seems to be getting worse. I don't understand because I've been pg 12 previous times & never had this. Any one else have them? It's freaking me out a little. I got my bfp on a frer 4 days before af was due.
Ok thanks @homebirthadvocate It's not seriously painful, just constant & annoying. I went ahead & made an early appt with my ob since I had thyroid issues last time & at wic last month my iron was low.
@homebirthadvocate Thanks, The pain is only in the middle & I know it's my uterus because I have pretty good body awareness in that area after all these years lol Almost feels like pms cramps.
@homebirthadvocate: I didn't have the typical symptoms and my cramping started at about 4 weeks. Before I had the rupture I only had period like cramping and no shoulder or radiating pain. They checked for ectopic, after my continuous pain, by checking my beta levels. This is why I mentioned ectopic at this point.
@mijita Oh no! I didn't know you had an ectopic before. Was your cramping real painful? Because mine is more dull & achey. I'm seeing my ob Tuesday so I'll mention it, thanks. Btw, do you recommend any special diet for pregnancy? I'm worried about the vegan thing because I was doing it full force during my last pregnancy when I miscarried. Also, I read that it can cause anemia & guess what? I'm anemic! Blah! I've been trying to get more protein by eating eggs for breakfast & adding some kefir or yogurt during the day. I always forget how to get iron! Thanks, you're the greatest!
@ homebirthadvocate is correct. It is a bit too early for you to fear ectopic. If they are following you closely, they will most likely catch it before it becomes an issue
how old is your youngest
My youngest is 16 months although I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks back in July.
I have a lot of pain with this one my son is almost 18 months old I think my body isn't 100% from him yet. I'm 5 months
I've had 3 csections