edited February 2013 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
I told a friend of mine I dnt go out cause of my son. he's 15 months he don't really no any one cause we're always home well she said it wont hurt to leave ur baby with a sitter and go for dinner with hubby or something I told her what if he cry's or get some anxiety or grows abandonment she said crying wont hurt if and its only gonna get worst for me I also mention I bf she said he'll do find with other foods that bf is just attachment and its not a food or drink is she right like I worry he's gonna starve if I dnt give him boob that's y I'm still bf I wish I could stop but he wants it so I keep going I would like some advice on both parts. 1. going out and 2. would my baby starve with out bf thanks ladies


  • 1. It won't hurt to go out sometime. It's actually good for both of you to have a break. The older he gets before you do it, the harder it will be. If you're too worried, just have someone babysit at your house while you & hubby have a home date in another room. Maybe order take out & rent a new movie.

    2. As long as he eats other food or drinks he won't starve. Just start with short trips until you feel more comfortable!

    You obviously care a lot about your son & his well being, you sound like you're doing a great job! It's ok to take a break sometimes! :)
  • edited February 2013
    We have a really hard time getting out too except for work, my mom keeps my lo, and i hate to always ask her.. i dont feel comfy leaving her with anyone else!!! Let me know what u decide and how it goes!!! (So i can take pointers!!!) Good luck :D
  • @Wilsomom thank so much this sounds so right and we need a break sometimes Im gonna practice my sis watching him for a lil while I hope it wrks ty so much and I love my son deeply and I think I'm over perctected with my son that's y I feel this way ty
  • @0811 I sure well how old is ur baby the good thing with u your baby knows ur mom my son has not been left with any one : ( my fault but I'm gonna just practice I feel there's hope LOL
  • No problem! I'm over protective too, it's a mom thing! Lol :)
  • You know what you can do, try hanging out with the person you would leave him with if you were to go out. For example, if you would leave him with your sister, start hanging out with her more often so he can get used to her. I would say that you have your sister come over whenever you want to do some real good cleaning or something that will keep you busy, that way your son can interact with your sister while you do stuff around the house. By doing this, he will be more used to her and it won't be so hard for you to go out every now and then. Now, he might cry a few times, but if you help him get used to your sister then your sister will be able to get him to stop with redirection.
    The breastfeading issue, its gonna have to be like any other mother trying to get her boobs back... wean him off. Start cutting down the feedings until you stop completely. He's gonna cry, but if you're consistent you should be able to get him off the boob in a short amount of time.
  • Your son is 15mo old and doesn't eat solid foods, only breast milk?
  • Well I agree with others it's good for you both to get out. I'm the same way though the only people that watch my daughter are my parents and my husbands mom but it's usually for a hour or two and before her bed time that way it's easier for them. But as far as the bf my doc said that by this age they shouldn't have more then 16oz the rest should be coming from solid foods. I think just start out slowly and you will be a lot better comfortable with both these ideas. But at the end of the day your his Mom so it's your choice on how you want to do thing with your child.
  • I didn't leave my daughter with anyone for longer then like an hour including my husband until she was just over a year. I still feel bad but every once in a while you need grown up time. My mother in law just took my daughter over night and I cried the first like 2 hours and then again when she sent me a text saying goodnight. My daughter is 19 months and with baby number 2 on the way ny husband and I needed a night together.
  • @perly that's what I figured him seeing my sis more that'd reasons y I go to my moms he likes her too he plays with her ty gonna bring her over more. the bf yea I want my boobie back its just so hard to c him cry but I know it takes time
  • @jules that's cool ur parents watch ur lil one. when I visit my mom my son runs from her LOL he's better with my sis never tryed leaving him with her but gonna start practiceing LOL idk how much milk he drikes its when ever he comes to me but the more solids he get lesser boobie LOL gonna try slowly ty
  • @MorgDeeBee that's exactly how I feel dnt want to leave him but we can use a break think I'm scared no ones gonna take care of him like I do but I would cry too I dnt think ill be able to sleep. if my baby spend a night some where else how does ur lil one feel leaving u guys ill feel better if my son wanted to go or stay not if he crys
  • @roxy you can do it! lol. Yes you're right, it'll take time and commitment but if you set your mind to it you can definitely get it done. Be easy on you and him, don't do it cold turkey, do little by little. Just an example. Lets say he breastfeeds 3 times a day, once in the morning, once around noon or a little later and then again to sleep. The easiest feeding to take away would be the one he takes during the day. What you can do is give him a meal or snack that has different colors, so you can get his attention with the colors while he eats. That'll totally get his mind off the boob for that one feeding. And you can try that with the morning feeding as well, just wake up 5 minutes early so you can get his breakfast ready. But yeah, try taking one feeding away at the time until you can stop breastfeeding.
  • The first few times we had to sneak out of where ever it was we were leaving her so she wouldn't cry. Now she could careless lol. She LOVES being with my mother in law now so I don't feel bad.
  • Your welcome sounds like you know exactly what your doing and what you are comfortable with good for you :)
  • @perly great idea ty
    @MorgDeeBee LOL ur lucky can't wait intill he can care less
  • edited February 2013
    @jules ty
  • You're welcome! I hope it all works out for you :)
  • @roxy my lo is 18 mos, ya she loves my mom!!! Good luck with bf my lo weaned her self at about 12 mos!!! :)
  • If your son isn't ready to wean then there is no reason to make him.
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  • @ashley_smashley what's wean??????
    is it when u just stop
  • Yes. There is no need for it. It just causes in needed stress on your son. He will stop when he is I promise he won't go to college with your boob in his mouth.

    If you want to go out with out him. Then plan your dates for the evening when he is asleep. If he feeds at night then plan a mini date for like an hour or 2 not all night.
  • For the record, i only mentioned her weaning off her son because she said she would like to stop breastfeeding but she hasn't stopped because she feels like he will starve himself if she doesn't give him the boob when he wants it(which he won't do because he eats solids). I wasn't making any kind of connection between her going out and stopping his feedings.
    Definitely do not stop breastfeeding just to go out, if and when you stop breastfeeding make sure its because he doesn't want breast milk anymore, or because you just really want to stop.
    Although many other mommies will advice you to breastfeed until your LO doesn't want to breastfeed anymore, its your decision when you want to stop.
  • Weaning is gradually slowing down with breastfeeding.
  • @ashley_smashley yea I wouldn't be able to just stop I can't even see him cry LOL when people tell me when r u gonna stop. I say when he's ready but the dead line is 2 years LOL Im ready to get my boobie back now. I want to go to school or back to wrk so we well be trying to slowly get him off but thanks for the advice
  • @perly every one is different when it comes to bf and I thank u for ur advice it help I know it well take some time not over night and I'm ready for him to be off LOL
  • @roxy yes ma'am i totally agree with you. Only you know what's right for your son and when the right time is. And yeah like i said before, when you're ready to stop breastfeeding don't do it cold turkey (stop all at once) because you will have a hard time. Wean him (gradually reduce the feedings until you get him completely off) so that he won't have to go through that stress and so you won't suffer.
    By the way, you can take your time when weaning off your son. You can for example take one feeding away, and wait a few days until you take away the next feeding and so on. So don't feel pressured. Good luck :)
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