sil pregnancy test UPDATE 2



  • Yeah the waiting & not knowing is horrible, your mind starts thinking too much! I'm hoping for good news though. :)
  • @Wilsomom yea her mind is pretty much set on that its a ectopic
  • Yep! This is unfortunately what happens when women are seen too early after conception :(
  • edited February 2013
    @captivated @HomeBirthAdvocate her levels are 1892 now but they scheduled her for a dnc this after noon an if they don't see anythang there gonna check the tube is this the rite thing to work wit her levels still goin up?? She sed she is starting to hurt on her Rite side tho
  • Why would they do a d&c without even knowing if it was viable or not?!? I would wait a little bit, just keep doing ultrasounds. I don't know much about the levels but I would be upset if they tried to do surgery before they even confirmed where the baby is!
  • Why is she allowing them to do all of this with her? I know its frustrating, and that her levels are rising slowly but she should be looking for a second opinion.
    I know everything points to this not being a viable pregnancy, but she will never know unless she can actually see it for herself. She needs a second opinion.
  • @perly she went for a second opinion today an there the ones that decided to go ahead with the surgery bucuz there still not seeing it on ultrasound she's hurting now so I guess they wanna get it done encase her tube would rupture .
    @smcox I would wait to but they've pounded in her head that its not viable I'm 3 hours from her so I can't really help her with it wish I could :(
  • Oh ok. i didn't know that part. Im sorry :(
    I wish she would still wait, but i can understand it gets frustrating.
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