3.5 weeks old and still not back to her birth weight

edited February 2013 in Babies Health
Briella is 3.5 weeks old, exclusively breast fed, I know she's getting milk, feeds every 2-3 hours, I pump after feedings and she is emptying each breast. She throws up after each feeding, immediately after. She was born 7 12 and is now only 7 4. I see lactation in a few hours which I think is stupid bc she latches and feeds like a champ but isn't gaining weight, throws up after each feeding, has crazy hiccups, is fussy all the time and screaming in discomfort. They gave her baby zantac which doesnt seem to be helping but my Dr is being a breastfeeding freak which he was not with my 17 month old and is not agreeing with a formula supplement unless lactation suggests it...I'm pissed bc I'm worried ab my daughter not gaining weight and being so uncomfortable. Anyone deal with anything similar??


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