implatation bleeding?? PIX!
i think i should be about 8-9 dpo and this is wat happened to me right now..i kinda the same thing this past sat being about 4-5 dpo but i didnt think anything about i than-- i thought it was cus i had sex the same day but i havent had sex since than so what is this??? my af should be here around FEb 27
I hope so-- i got it twice hats wats confusing me a lil about 5 dpo and again today.. aghhh GOOD luck to you plz keep me updated
and yes it was mixed with CM
Any other symptoms at all?
I've never had implantation bleeding so i don't know what it looks like. Keeping my fingers crossed
@mommyof3girls I miss you too!! Af is due anywhere from the 26-28