HELP enter at own risk

edited February 2013 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
y every time I try to poop its always hard for me I have to move back and forth or side to side for it to come out LOL I dnt poop every day maybe 3 or 4 days apart can this b cause I dnt drink water I just drink soda or milk sry if this sounds gross but any ideas ladies


  • Try eating more fiber. And water will also help.
  • You need to drink more water woman!!! lol :)
    Make sure you are eating foods that are rich in fiber. I've been constipated before and it sucks. I usually have at least 1 bowel movement a day.
  • Eat lots of high water content foods like fruits & veggies. Apples, melon, grapes, cucumbers, carrots, stuff like that.
  • @mommyof3girls

    thanks ladies for the help I'm gonna start adding those items list above n my life LOL it well b hard
  • edited February 2013
    Also coffee helps believe it or's not as healthy, but a real strong brew or espresso might get things moving. Will it be hard because you don't like to eat them or something else? If you're not a big fruit & veggie fan try adding just one or two that you like at first & go from there. (I should mention though that bananas can be constipating.)
  • You need yo def make sure yout getting plenty of water! Also make sure when you need to go that you dont hold it in. The longer your bowle sits in your colon the more water gets sucked out amd becomes harder to dispose of. Lots of high fiber foods will help. Dark green leafy vegies are good for going too. Hope your poops get easier!
  • edited February 2013
    You can also buy the small fiber powders they sell at the pharmacy and put it in your drinks. It'd be better if you add it water so you can hit two birds with one stone, but since they are fiber powders that are unflavored, you can literally add it to any drink or food.
  • @Wilsomom coffee ewww LOL I dnt like much fruit and veggies we hardly eat them I berly started eating them since my son started eating solids but now that I think about it when I was on my diet I was pooping every day I was eating fruit and my shake had veggies n it duh I just figured it out LOL I'm slow
  • @MerandaGarcia that's one thing I dnt do is hold it n I take advantage when I got to poop LOL
  • @perly I was also thinking those fiber bars they look gd
  • @roxy you can try those as a snack in between meals. I just don't know how effective those are. I do know that the powders help cause i've used them myself.

    Ooohhhhh, maybe some kind of detox? To help cleanse your body? Now that you would have to research, but it might help...
  • gonna look n to the powders @perly
  • detox yea would need some research
  • Constipation is real common in pregnancy also try a stool softener like dulcolax or any generic brand will help make going more comfortable
  • Fiber one bars are yummy and work:)
  • You really should be drinking more water for your overall well being. Your stools are hard because they lack sufficient water. Supplementing fiber is only going to exacerbate your symptoms if you don't drink water. Fiber aids in adding bulk and moisture to your stools, but if you are not drinking water, then you won't benefit from any supplementation.

    Water is essential for many metabolic processes in our body, starting with digestion. We need water to digest our food, to transport our nutrients to cells and to make our bodies more efficient. If you feel sluggish most of the time, this is most likely the reason. You should aim to drink a little more water throughout the day. Once you start, your natural thirst will return and water cravings will come naturally to help ensure you get sufficient amounts. :)
  • ty GD to know
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