LO's cough taking forever to go away

He has had a cough for a little over 2 weeks now, is that normal? Can't say he coughs all day though, its mostly at night and in the morning. Also has alot of snot :( ...he has never really had a cough so just wondering if this is something normal.


  • My neice is the same exact way her pedi said it was allergies
  • Jack is the same way right now. His nose is just pouring snot and he coughs some, mostly in the evening. I took both my boys to the Dr because my oldest is having heart surgery in 2 weeks and can't get sick. The ped said there's really nothing to do at his age. Just let it run it's course
  • @sands3 how long has he had it?
  • About 2 or so weeks
  • My son has had a cough for a little over 2 weeks now but only really at night. he doesn't cough a lot but when he does you can hear the rattle in his chest. I called the dr after five days and they just said let it run its course as long as he has no other symptoms
  • Yes my son is like that right now. I took him in today just to make sure it wasn't what's he had last time. They told me its just a cold to let it run its course
  • Coughs can last a while but with the snot my 9 month old had a snoty cold for 2 weeks and yesterday my other daughter and I came down with it. Juiced 2 oranges and a carrot each, gave my 9 month old it in a sippy cup, did it again today and were all fine now :) I gargled salt water too cause I started getting a very very sore throat
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