Lip tied

edited February 2013 in Babies Health
Has anyone heard of this. They say it can cause a gap between front teeth. My daughter has a good size gap between front teeth and we look lastnight an the skin that attaches her lip to her gums comes down pretty far. If look like it comes down lower then it should. Not sure if we should have the dr look at it or a dentist. She's 19 months and the dentist says she doesn't come in for her first appt till she 2. Anyone know anything about this. My cousin noticed it an said something to us about it. What should I do?


  • I've noticed my baby has the same thing I was wondering about it to
  • My lo has a gap but I haven't noticed his gums looking like that. Maybe bring it up at her next appt
  • My daughter has that too. I had to take her to the dentist because she chipped her tooth and she said it may cause a gap in her teeth but sometimes it recedes as they get older. It's just a waiting game basically.
  • Did your dentist say why wait until 2 to be seen? We started taking my daughter at 1, when she had 2 teeth. She is 16 months now and has another appt next week.
  • Every child should at least have a quick exam by their first bday.... per AAPD. Yes some kids have a heavy frenum that can cause a gap sometimes they will recommend a frenectomy which is where they clip it and it regrows normally
    But not until they are older to be sure it doesnt correct itself..
  • @1stwoodsbaby and @0811- I thought the same thing that she would have a appt with the dentist around the age of one but they said at 2. I'm kinda confused by that. I think I'll ask her dr at her next appt about her mouth. I figured they would have us wait to see what happens before they do anything about it.
  • My daughter has the same thing and has a pretty big gap in her front teeth and our doctor said to bring her to the dentist at 2 too.
  • Is it a pediatric dentist??
  • I think I had that! I can still feel that line of skin (although it used to be more pronounced) and I had a big gap! I'm going to check my kiddos when they get up from nap/get home from school...
  • All my kids have that & were also tongue tied. I had to have their tongues clipped after birth, but we're just keeping an eye on the top part. So far so's from my husband's side & his teeth are crooked on top from it. That's what I worry about. I think a gap with their baby teeth actually leaves more room for their permanent teeth to not get overcrowded, but that's just my observation, not medically backed! Lol
  • @0811 yes their a pediatric dentist. They are the only one in our town.
  • edited February 2013
    Well they are not following American academy if pediatric dentistry guidelines...
    Its under dental home... it recommends no later than 1 yr of age....
  • My oldest had this and one day she fell face first on the driveway and chipped a front tooth and the part that came down from her lips tore. It bled a lot at first but healed up just fine. She also had a little gap w her baby teeth but now her adult teeth are just fine w no gap. It's worth mentioning to your doc but if its not causing any noticeable problems its probably just fine.
  • edited March 2013
    @0811 is absolutely correct. We recommend by first tooth or first birthday. I strongly recommend taking your child to a pediatric dentist because most general dentists aren't really equipt to handle children. I work at a pedo office and we see a lot of children who have been traumatized elsewhere. If she needs a frenectomy they will probably do it when she is older and possibly in braces.
    @0811 are you in the dental field as well? I'm a RDH out in CA.
  • That's weird my son goes to the dentist next week he is 15 months and has all his teeth.
  • @frantastic yes I'm a CDA in GA!!! I have worked in pedo for 11 yrs :)
  • @0811 nice! I've only been in pedo for 4 years but I love it. I work at a general office as well and it's nice too but pediatrics is sooo much more exciting. Nice to meet other dental people, I was beginning to think I was the only one on here.
  • @frantastic yea i worked in general for 2 yrs before pedo and no way would i ever go back, Kids are soo much fun and always keep u on your toes, i enjoy my job even though it can get pretty crazy at times!!! :) now we are here together!!!! What hours do u work at your pedo office???
  • @0811 my office is open Monday through Saturday. It's a very large practice but we're not a clinic. Not everyone is there at the same time. We have 8 doctors including an orthodontist, 6 front staff and treatment coordinators, 12 RDA's, 2 lab techs and 1 hygienist (me). We do a lot of treatment in the OR at our surgery center. It's a great place and you're right kids will always keep you on your toes. I work there mon and tues and at a general office weds-thurs. What about your office? Is it big and crazy too?
  • Yes we have 2 offices 1 with surgery center, but no ortho. Our office has 1 dr, 2 hygienist, 3 assistants 7 support back staff , 6 front staff. The other office is a little larger not too sure how many people besides 3 drs... both offices are only open mon- thurs 8-3 no breaks, nice busy crazy 4 day weeks!!!
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