i have some choices to make...need opinions!



  • @Mackenzies_mama2010 I didn't think they still did those implant things. That was something my mother had once when she was young and I thought they weren't around anymore lol. That's something I would like to look into thanks :)
  • @SalasMommy did u get an epidural mira any pain meds? I ask because u mentioned a painful labor and I wonder if it's because u chose to go without or did they not kick in good enough? What kind of pain is it like? Idk if that's too vague a question im sorry I mean like how does it feel and how do u cope to get thru the pain?
  • I say wait and try a vbac. I am 36 & a lot can change in ten years!!!! At your age I was engaged and working at a bank part time. It lasted five years. I went back to school became a teacher. Fast forward at 30 I met the love if my life we got married and have way more money. You just don't know how your life will change. You may meet the love of your life and he really wants his own child but you can't give that to him because at 21 you decided not to have more, not knowing what life had in store for you. As far as a vbac do some research. Watch a child born every minute. It is very informative. Our bodies were made for birth. I had a c section with my first because she was breach and the doctor wouldn't let me try. I wish I could have found one that knew how to deliver breach. I am looking forward to the faster recovery and being able to pick up my toddler. Vbacs are also healthier for you and the baby. I would google csection vs vaginal and see what you can find. There is a lot there. Plus it sounds like your doctor thinks you would be a good candidate for a vbac. Good luck in your decision!!
  • @momaynot thank u for the advice im actually googling right now. Would that movie (or is it a show?) Be at a library or on YouTube?
  • The Business of Being Born is another great informative movie. I know it's on netflix for sure, but might be somewhere else too.
  • edited March 2013
    I wish I had netflix :( shit I wish I had basic cable right now lol
  • We don't have any cable or netflix right now either, (or internet except our smartphones) you're not alone! :)
  • That is what it is called. The business of being born. Thank you! You can try your local library they may have a copy. There is a trailer on you tube. You can get it off Amazon but a you can try Netflix free and you could cancel it right after. It is very good and very informative.
  • I found the while thing for free online! :) You can even watch it on a smart phone. It is very interesting... http://vimeo.com/m/50212333 Enjoy!

  • @momaynot nice! Thank u for finding that for me :) my phone is being slow when I try to watch it so I'll have to take my laptop to.the library this.week.
  • I'm really glad that your reconsidering. My mum was one who decided to have 2 more kids 8 and 9 years after me making a total of 4 kids. I had the implanon rod as well. It was great except my boobs kept growing and shrinking like crazy lol. I have the same problem as you with birth control. Hate them all and condoms make me all grose and sore! I won't be having the implanon just yet as I want another baby and it takes ages to come out of your system so I'm just tracking ovulation n putting up with no sex or condoms near it. But I will be having it again once I have my next baby. Also with vbac, don't forget you can have an epidural which will be almost the same as a c section lol. So don't be too afraid. I had 2 natural labours!! In Australia they don't give out epidurals easily. I always feel such pride after giving birth though :) first was 29hours and second was 5. I really wanted one my whole pregnancy and when it was go time they wouldn't let me have it :( oh well!! I survived!
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