My hubby...

Is having migrane headaches and he hasn't been able to keep food down because the headaches make him dizzy and nauseous.
He took advil extra strength, but it just put him to sleep and then like about 15 minutes after waking up the headache was back. I feel so bad :(


  • Sounds like flu symptoms.
  • :( What about Excedrin? Or some caffeine?
  • @excitedforoctober it could be. He asked me to bring take him to the doctor, so here we are.
  • @wilsomom we're at the doctor. He's such a baby lol.
  • Hope he feels better soon.
  • How's he doing now?
  • I get extreme migraines and I get so nauseous. I even the point the ER usually puts me on an IV of reglan to help. They can definitely be like what he is experiencing. Has something happened recently that he is getting them? My fiancee gets them too bc he had a brain tumor when he was a teen so he will get them occasionally. They really suck! Hope he feels better:)
  • I hope they figure out what's going on, poor guy.
  • @excitedforoctober @captivated @sehra4177 @wilsomom i didn't go in with him, but he says the doctor said he has a throat infection so he gave him amoxicillin and ibuprofen.
    He's laying here on my lap dozing off.
  • I've always suffered horrible migraines that make me vomit and all the extreme side effects. I've tried every single medicine for them even prescriptions from a neurologist and the ONLY thing that ever worked for me (and really well) was excedrine migraine. Sucks I can't take it now because I do get bad migraines when im pregnant. But maybe it will work as well for him as it did for me. Also I heard years ago about this pressure point in the webbing between your thumb and first finger, and if u have someone pinch there with a good amount of strength (just dont do it so hard it hurts) for a couple minutes at a time with every 5 minutes it can help alleviate headaches. When I do that at the first sign of any headache it really does seem to help rid it or even prevent it from a full on headache.
  • Awwe I hate those moments!
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