found out today...

edited March 2013 in Babies Health lo is allergic to egg whites, peanuts, and milk. She is 16 months old. She is more allergic to eggs than the other two. Does anyone know if its ok to give her egg yolks and her be ok? I am trying to stop bf also, so we are going to try vanilla soy milk. I reallyhope she grows out of it. We will find out more next week at the doctors.


  • My oldest son was allergic to all those plus soy too. The yolks were ok, it's the protein in the whites that cause the allergies. Also, he outgrew all the allergies except peanuts by age 2...although he added more allergies later like tree nuts, pollen, dogs, cats, tree pollens, dust mites, etc. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you, hopefully he will outgrow all of them.
  • Oh no you didn't scare me. Since we just found out, I don't think she'll outgrow them by the age of 2, esp since her reactions seem to get worse each time. I hope eventually she will tho. I asked about the soy and she said it would be ok to give her..I'm on the fence tho since things I have read said most are allergic to soy too. @wilsomom
  • Yeah just keep an eye on her with new foods & also medications, my son is allergic to amoxicillan (sp?) too. And unfortunately there's cow milk derivitaves in lots of foods like whey, carageenan & a bunch of others. You might want to google that just to be on the look out. I'm sorry, allergies are no fun! :(
  • You can try almond milk too. It has less hormones than soy.
  • we just took are son to the. allergic Dr. today they drew blood. and there gonna do test we well find out n two weeks but he is definitely allergic to egg whites and milk cause we had a issue with both
  • Wow.... my 14 months old its allergic to milk and eggs and it gets really bad even from touching he's skin he's a breastfeed baby so I wasn't expecting it
  • @wilsomom she isn't allergic to any meds..knock on wood, but hubby is so we will watch out for that anyways. Google will be my bff for a while lol.
    @momaynot I'm afraid with it being a another nut she will have problems with that.
    @roxy they did the good test for my daughter too.
    @2girls_1boy my lo is breastfed too and never had problems with those foods when I have eaten them.
  • Im really upset about it !! Everything I feed my daughters I have to alterate it for him and he's not a great eater at all he loves strawberries rice green seedless grapes peeled and cut up in squares and that's about it he will try other stuff but just lil pieces
  • @2girls_1boy that sucks! I'm sorry. I wasn't a happy camper either. Do you eat that stuff and does it affect him? I only ask cause I do and she's never showed a reaction to them. She eats a lot of chicken and she loves any veggie and fruit. So far she hasn't been a picky eater. We tried soy milk today and she drank some, so that's a start.
  • Good call! I hope you find something that works!
  • I would recommend avoiding soy period. It is very unhealthy! There are lots of other options out there :)
  • i learned the other day that soy mimics estrogen in women so almond milk is a better alternative for women. random and not really about your post, but just thought about that reading @captivated 's post lol
  • @momaynot thanks! Me too.
    @captivated & @mam082711 thanks for the advice ladies, but we will be sticking with the soy.
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