I'm giving myself thrush TMI

Ok so about 2 months ago we used a condom which we usually don't because I get very itchy. And I did! This time I scratched so it became very inflamed. About a month ago I was tested and it came back negative for anything and everything. She said when she was checking, I had some very cottage cheese looking discharge which I didn't know as it wasn't actually coming out of me like normal thrush. She said even though it was negative, she wanted me to use a thrush cream. I did. It felt better. But a few days after I had finished treatment, I started to feel itchy again. We decided to have sex with a condom again and here I am a month later, itchy as hell, no discharge or smell. We have still had sex but we don't use a condom and my partner is fine. Also 3 or so weeks ago I straight after treatment I ended up in hospital with excruciating pain which we never figured out what it was and now my mother in law has gone bat shit crazy and threatening me so I put it down to stress also. Today I found a heap of antique biotics in my cupboard. I've decided to take them because if it's an infection this will cure it. If it's not, it will give me full blown thrush.which I can then treat. I have a feeling that it wasn't thrush and the thrush cream has burnt me or caused a huge imbalance of bacteria. So if I give myself thrush, then I can balance it with the treatment. Lol it's far fetched but I don't want to be itchy for ever! Wish me luck ladies. We want to start trying for a baby in a month and I need a healthy vagina!!


  • You need to go to the doctor. It could be something bigger than yeast/ thrush. Especially if u are going to TTC
  • I would go back to the doctor and ask for something else. Don't put anything down there if you don't know exactly what's going on.
  • You definitely do not want to take antibiotics that were not prescribed for this. If it is yeast, antibiotics will only make it worse. Not to mentionyyou run the risk of mutating strains of bacteria from improper abx use. these cause super infections like MRSA in our surroundings. Very bad idea. Try yogurt on a tampon (plain yogurt with active cultures) as it will balance out your pH and cure yeast or bacterial infections there. Get on a good probiotic as well.
  • It came back negative for thrush though and she said just use thrush cream anyway which I think has made it worse. I figured if I took antibiotics and it gave me thrush them maybe it would reverse the damage and I could just treat the thrush. I looked it up a lot last nite and I came up with a conclusion that it is vaginitis. Which is treated with antibiotics. I had it while I was pregnant but had no symptoms. It can also be cause by irritation from condoms. I still have some left over medicine from it but I have been taking the antibiotics as I said and guess what!! No more itch! Just a little sore from sex lol.
    @doodles@ Perly

    @captivated thanks for the advice hun I had no idea. I didn't have many so I'll take my last one tonight if I still have it I'll go. X
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