14mo lost first tooth UPDATE AT TOP :-(

My baby cousin just started walking last month. Now she wants to run. Well she tripped over her feet and hit her mouth on a decorative cardboard and fabric box. So hard her top right tooth got knocked out. She has to go to the dr tomorrow so they can check her gums. I feel bad for her.


So she went to the dentist and she didnt lose a tooth. Her tooth got pushed all the way back up in her gums. She has to go back in a month for another xray to see if it moves down at all. If not they'll have to remove it.


  • Aw! Poor thing. Good thing its just a baby tooth. Would have fallen out anyways!
  • Poor thing, it happens though. There's not a whole lot they can do at this age so poor baby will be toothless for a while.
  • Update at the top
  • Aaaww. How scary. I cant imagine how bad that hurt. Poor baby. Im hurting just thinking about it.
  • Yikes! I've never heard of that. Is it painful for her?
  • Ouch! I've heard of that happening to a couple of kids and each one ended up losing the tooth. But their adult teeth came in fine with no problems

    I hope she isn't hurting any more. Poor thing :(
  • From what i hear she's back to eating everything @wilsomom
  • My oldest did that. It wasn't sore for very long. Thank goodness it came back just fine for him. I hope hers will be OK too
  • In my experience, most kids aren't really phased by it. Children have crazy high pain tolerance. It probably fractured at the root and they're waiting to see if her body rejects it or not. If it changes color or abscesses then they will need to remove it. My personal recommendation would be to find an office that does conscious sedation for the extraction, if its needed, that way it's less traumatic for her. This is very common and happens often.
  • Oh no I don't see why they didn't just do am xray same day just to be safe. I'm sure that doesn't feel good to the poor thing.
  • Omg, that's horrible poor baby! Hopefully it'll come back out on its own
  • @jules they did an xray. They're doing another in 1 month
  • Oh I see :) I missunderstood I thought they were going to do the first xray in a month. I hope it comes down on its own!
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