Issues getting him back in his crib

edited March 2013 in Pregnant
Need suggestions! Damien was on a sleep schedule before we went on vacation and would only sleep in his crib, went down easy almost never had any problems. Now he's screaming as soon as we get near his bed. Only wants to sleep with me. Desperately need him back in his bed, I'm almost 7 months pregnant and it's horribly uncomfortable having him on my back and neck all night long! And I won't do cry it out! And he won't let me rock him.


  • AJ got sick we went thru the same thing. I don't let him cry it out either. I do find that after fighting with him for a couple hours letting him cry about 10 minutes then picking him up he passes out. Before he got sick the last time he was putting himself to sleep. Thats how I get him out of my bed everytime he grts sick. I am six months pregnant and will get up and shove his baby ass off and kick the hubby out if I have to.
  • I feel u it's hard sometimes it's hard to put my baby on her bed I'm 8 months pregnant and it's very uncomfortable and she wants me to hug her if I turn my back on her she gets mad if he falls a sleep on ur bed carry him to his crib till or just lay him he'll get use to it
  • Lol I kicked my hubby out last night! I always push Damien away but he immediately rolls right back into my back.
  • Ugh he just insists on touching me, I've never been able to sleep with someone touching me and being pregnant it's even worse.
  • Does he use a pillow while in bed with you or use you as a pillow? Madison went through something similar, I put my (super flat) pillow in with her and she's been sleeping great ever since, she was about 15 months when I put the pillow in. She likes to fall asleep on it and then scootches around her crib lol. Sorry, I don't have any other tips :/
  • I'll try that, he had croup recently so yes I was putting him on a pillow and he used me as one as well. I just know I tried to put one in the crib at my parents (after he fell sleep I put in the crib) and when I checked on him he was under it. I know he was fine but over protective me, I freaked out lol
  • sounds like you need to reintroduce him to his crib. In the book, the no cry sleep solution, they advise to spend time during the daytime in the room with him, either playing, or reading, whatever, so that he gets to feel comfortable in there again. And start putting him in his crib for 5 minutes at a time during the day, but stay with him. he'll begin to realise its not so awful in there. Also, maybe use one of your pillows for him, as it has your 'mummy' smell on, which may help :-)
  • I am in the EXACT same boat! I started having my LO sleep with me after he had a seizure from a high fever and I don't know how I am going to get him back in his crib. He also needs to be touching me while he's sleeping and I am 6mo pregnant so I need my space too. Thinking of trying to put him back in his crib starting this weekend.
  • I'll try that @joshneviesmom. he's never crawled out of his crib before and he did it twice last night! Hearing him fall out of his crib is terrible! It worries me and now I feel like I'm being mean trying to get him back into in his own bed :(
  • oh, i know, its horrible. A few weeks ago i heard an almighty bang, and i ran upstairs to find my daughter face down on the floor, she had levered gerself up on her bumper and fallen out. Its awful...we had to put her cot on its lowest setting after that. I think with your guy, consistency will be key. If u stick to your guns, he'll get there. Good luck!
  • His crib is already on the lowest setting and I figured he used his bumper the first time so we took it out.... And the booger still got out again! Lol just gonna have to keep at it. My hubby got a bunch of pillows and put them all around the crib.
  • Lol I laid in the crib with aj at on point it didn't do a darn bit of good. This time I will listen when the doc says get him out of ur bed by 6 months. He slept with us ubtil 10-11 months.
  • The only way kynzi will sleep in her bed is if she if proped up by her monkey and she only sleeps half the night like that
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